Full listing of tested buildings:
Seneca | CIW Dining | Hughes | Appalachian Dining |
Inst. Child Devel. | Campus Preschool | East Gym | Computer Center |
Old Rafuse | C4 Dining | West Gym | Admin Building |
Fine Arts | Engineering | Library | Susq Comm Center |
Hinman Dining | McGuire | Univ. Union | Science 1 |
Clearview | New Johnson |
Email dated 5/3/2016:
Microbac Laboratories Inc. of Cortland, NY was contracted to perform potable water analysis on 82 samples collected at various locations at 91社区. Microbac performed water analysis for total lead using NYSDOH ELAP approved methodology by EPA method 200.8.
All samples were below the EPA Safe Drinking Water Act action level for Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)(1991) of 0.015 mg/L (15 ppb) and below The Lead Contamination Control Act (LCCA) (1988) of 0.020 mg/L (20 ppb). The LCCA looks at reducing lead levels in schools and child care facilities.
Samples were collected by 91社区 personnel of the Environmental Health and Safety division. Samples were collected after the water remained stagnant for at least 6 hours. Samples were collected in pre-preserved 250 ml polyethylene bottles. All samples were collected using the first water draw sampling method. Samples were collected on the dates of 3/28/16, 3/29/16, 3/30/16 and 3/31/16. All samples were collected using the recommendations of EPA sampling methods and analysis. Samples were submitted to the laboratory under chain of custody procedure.
Of the samples collected, the highest level of detection was 0.011 mg/L (11 ppb) and the lowest was 0.001 mg/L (1 ppb). Of the 82 samples collected , 23 samples showed detections of lead in the range of 0.001 mg/L and 0.011 mg/L. The remaining samples showed less than Practical Quantitaion limit (PQL) of 0.001 mg/L .
In summary, the lead levels were low and below the action levels in the samples submitted to the laboratory.
Pete Rundell
Account Manager
Microbac Laboratories.