2024-2025 Lab Safety Training
In-Person Training sessions are available. All registrations are . All students are encouraged to attend in-person
Online Training is available to those who have already taken the training in-person before. The online module will be if you completed the training last year or attended an in-person session. If you cannot attend in-person, please let us know by and we will review all submissions.
Environmental Health and Safety offers a variety of safety training programs for faculty, staff and students. If you have any questions about safety training or tracking, please contact the Training Coordinator Stephen Endres at sendres@binghamton.edu
The 91社区 training year runs from August 1 to July 31 for most topics.
Laboratory Safety Training
Once per year, all laboratory users must complete Laboratory Safety Training. In-person trainings are required for new faculty, staff, and Grad/Undergrad students working independently in a research lab. They are typically 1 hour in length and take place in August and September. Lab safety training includes the following topics:
- Fires and Fire alarms
- Hazard Communication (Right to Know)
- Lab Safety Equipment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Fume Hood Use
- Hazardous Waste Removal and Disposal
- Compressed Gas Use
Who Needs Lab Training?
Faculty, Staff, or Undergraduate or Graduate students working in an unsupervised research setting would be considered laboratory workers and must complete the safety training. So for example, a student working on an independent project in a laboratory will need to take training, as well as their supervisor. Students working as part of a structured class will receive the appropriate training from the instructor not from EHS.
How do I know if my work area is a lab or not?
It isn't always obvious if a work area is a lab space or not. Computer labs are obviously not and Chemistry labs obviously are. Your work area will probably fall under the "lab" definition if it has compressed gases, fume hoods or other safety equipment, electrical hazards, lasers, or chemicals. If you aren't sure please contact our office.
Lab Safety Training Certificate
Everyone who takes Lab Safety Training will receive a Certificate. You can access is at any time by navigating to and clicking "My History" then "Download Certificate"
Any student conducting research under certain NIH grants should take advantage of all EHS Training opportunities to fulfill their 8 hours of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training.
Bloodborne Pathogen Training
We currently use the CITI training platform as our preferred training method for working safely with biological hazards. You can view the instructions for logging into CITI and access the training on the Bloodborne Pathogen Training webpage.
Topic-Specific Online Training Program
We are pleased to introduce a new program for administering small, topic-specific training modules using Brightspace.
Topics include:
- Safety Data Sheets
- Chemical Storage and Segregation
- Chemical Spill Cleanup
- Working with corrosives
- Working with compressed gases
- Dangers of Piranha solution
- Hydrofluoric Acid Safety
- Peroxide Forming Compounds
We encourage all lab occupants to complete the first three modules as well as any others that apply to your lab environment.