It is important that the Office of Human Resources has your current address. Keeping your address up-to-date is especially important at the end of the year when W-2s and other income tax related forms are sent to your home address.
If you've moved, or are planning a move, you may let us know in one of three ways
- You may report Legal address changes online by logging into the Self Service Portal using your 91社区 Computer Account username and password. This will report the change to the office of Human Resources, Payroll and Employee Benefits systems.
- You may visit our office on campus to complete a Change of address form. We are located in the Couper Administration Building, Room 244 (2nd Floor)
- Contact the staff member in your department who is responsible for HR Forms.
- They will submit an electronic HR Personal Data Form for you.
- Human Resources will receive the transaction and update the appropriate HR, Payroll and Employee Benefits systems.
Other considerations - information is not automatically transferred to all vendors; therefore:
- Contact your local post office. Complete a "Change of Address" notification so your mail can be efficiently forwarded to your new address. Visit .
- Student employees should also contact the Registrar's office and provide them with their new address. Changing your address with Human Resources will have NO impact on your address on file with the Registrar's Office.
- If you are a retirement system member, you will need to contact them to update your
- This can be done via your online account with or .
- Notify your Optional Retirement Program (ORP) and/or voluntary savings plan vendors such as Corebridge (AIG), TIAA, Fidelity, NYS Deferred Compensation and Voya as well. Likely this can be done via your online retirement account.
- UUP and CSEA represented employees enrolled in their respective dental/vision plan,
please contact your union's employee benefit fund office:
- CSEA: 800-342-4146, option 4
- UUP: changing your address with Human Resources will transmit to the UUP Benefit Fund office, along with Davis Vision & Delta Dental
- If you joined the union, please contact your applicable union member office to update your address.
- If you participate in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program, contact their customer service to update your address at 800-358-7202, option 1.
- You will also want to report the change to other plans you may carry through the unions or other agencies (i.e. life insurance, NYS 529 college savings plan, etc.)
- It's important to note that a change in address either from a New York City or Yonkers address to a local address, or from a local address to New York City or Yonkers will impact local taxes. An should be completed at the same time as the address change is requested, indicating residency in New York City or Yonkers. Questions should be directed to the Payroll office at 607-777-2193, or the Payroll Manager Cheryl Robinson at or 607-777-2129.
Related Forms
Human Resources & Payroll Change of address form.
Changing Your Name
For a name change, contact the Social Security Administration .
Others you need to notify are:
- Your department
- Human Resources (Payroll) / Employee Benefits (please do NOT email HR or Employee Benefits with confidential social security number information):
- Provide HR with a copy of your new Social Security card, complete an updated I-9 Form at the HR front desk, Couper Admin Room 244 for payroll purposes
- If you are enrolled in NYSHIP health coverage through our campus, please provide a new with a copy of your new social security card
- If you are a retirement system member:
- ORP - Update your information via your online Optional Retirement Program (ORP) investment vendor account, including voluntary savings plan vendors you may invest with such as Fidelity, TIAA, NYS Deferred Compensation, Corebridge & Voya
- ERS/PAFRS Members: Visit to update your name, or call NYSLRS at 866-805-0990
- TRS Members: Visit and submit your information, or call TRS at 800-356-3128
- If your BU email address(es) need updating submit a request through the campus I.T. Helpdesk.
- You will also want to report the change to other plans that you might carry through
unions or other agencies (i.e. life insurance, union membership, NYS College Savings
Program, Pearl Carroll, etc.)
- - update UUP Benefit Fund dental/vision insurance plan or call UUPBF at 800-887-3863
- UUP Union Membership - call 800-342-4146, option 4
- - update your CSEA sponsored dental/vision insurance plan or call CSEABF at (800) 323-2732