Additional compensation is paid according to strict campus, SUNY and Office of the State Comptroller policies and guidelines. Factors such as employment at another campus or state agency, percentage of time worked, professional obligation and others govern how these will be processed. As with all offers of employment, all extra service requires prior approval (both budgetary and appropriateness of work) before a formal offer is made and prior to the commencement of any work. Please contact Human Resources for guidance.
Extra Service Definition
Work performed by UUP faculty, UUP professionals or Management Confidential professionals who are on a State payroll, or the SUNY Research Foundation, other than the one to which the employee is regularly assigned, or special assignments performed at their own campus that are substantially different from, or in addition to, their regularly assigned duties and responsibilities when the extra service work, in combination with the employee's regular assignment and any other dual appointment or extra service assignments, will exceed full-time service (100% FTE).
Extra Service Policy
Rules and regulations surrounding extra service compensation within the State University of New York are grounded in several state documents and publications including the UUP Agreement, the Policies of the Board of Trustees and other guiding memoranda from SUNY.
Please refer to the policy:
Extra Service Process
Dual Employment Definition
Dual employment refers to the appointment of someone to a State payroll who is already being paid on one or more other State payrolls (concurrent appointment) when the combined employment on all State payrolls does not exceed full-time (100% FTE).
Dual employment/appointment does not apply to situations where employees received extra service compensation at their own campus regardless of whether such employees are full-time or part-time. Payment for such services are accomplished by "also receives" payments, salary adjustments, or through "extra service compensation".
Extra Service rules will apply if and when the combination of an employee's multiple appointments exceed full-time (100% FTE).
Dual Employment Policy
Prior approval must be obtained from all appointing authorities currently paying a State employee before s/he can commence working for, or be paid by, an additional state payroll agency.
Search Committees, Unit Heads and/or Supervisors should attempt to determine the current state employment status of individuals before they recommend them for appointment (particularly part-time appointees) to ensure that appropriate approvals are obtained prior to effecting the appointments of individuals already being paid on State payrolls.
Please Note: The Chancellor must approve such requests from management/confidential employees.
Dual appointment does not apply to situations where employees received extra service compensation at their own campus regardless of whether such employees are full-time or part-time. Payment for such services are accomplished by "also receives" payments, salary adjustments, or through "extra service compensation".
Extra service rules will always apply if and when the combination of an employee's multiple appointments exceed 100% of full-time (1.00 FTE).
Extra Service and Dual Employment Forms
Clicking on the link(s) below will take you directly to the form on our Forms page.
- 91社区 Extra Service Request Form (for on-campus extra service)
- Form UP-8 (for UUP employees to request approval for extra service at another state agency)
- Form UP-6 (for Management Confidential employees to request approval for extra service at another state agency)
- Form AC-1588 (Dual Employment Approval to request approval for service at another state agency)
- Form AC-873 (Extra Service Payroll Voucher)