Glossary of Common 91社区 Terms
B-Alert: the University's emergency notification system (text and email options are available; this was formerly called Rave)
B-line: a daily, electronic distribution of University news and events
Baxter the bearcat: school mascot
Blackboard: web-based software to build and manage virtual classrooms
Blue buses/OCCT: Off Campus College Transport
Blue light phones: emergency outdoor phones connected to University Police for immediate assistance
BTV: student-run campus television station
BU Brain: online tool that provides access to campus resources and services
BUC$: 91社区 Card System
Bulletin: an electronic catalog detailing a student's academic requirements
BUSI: 91社区 Student Information system
C4: Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center
CCPA: College of Community and Public Affairs
CDC: Career Development Center
DA: Discovery assistant
DARS: Degree Audit Reporting System
DCONHS: Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Discovery: an academic support program for students
DSON: Decker School of Nursing, part of Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
EOP: Educational Opportunity Program
Escape: student bus charters
Fitspace: a fee-based fitness center in the East Gym
GPA: grade-point average
Greenride: free, Internet-based rideshare matching
Harpur: Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
Harpur's Ferry: student-run volunteer ambulance
ITC: Innovative Technologies Complex
Late Nite: student social program on Friday and Saturday nights
MRC: Multicultural Resource Center
Nite Owl: snack areas/caf茅s located in some residential dining halls
OCC: Off Campus College
OCCT: Off Campus College Transport (see "blue buses")
Pegasus: University yearbook
Pipe Dream: bi-weekly student newspaper
POD: a public computing area
RA: resident assistant
RD: resident director
ResCon: residential computing consultants who provide assistance to students in residential communities
SA: Student Association (student government)
SOM: School of Managemen (7233).
TA: Teaching assistant
Take one video: a DVD rental store in University Union
UCC: University Counseling Center
UDC: University Downtown Center
WHRW: student-run campus radio station