The 91社区 School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Professional Practice Curriculum consists of introductory, intermediate and advanced level experiences commencing the first academic year of the curriculum.
During the summer of the first professional year students begin the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience I-Community Practice. This rotation allows students an opportunity to explore and apply previously learned skills in a community pharmacy practice setting. Through guided activities, reflection sessions and an 80-hour practicum in a community pharmacy, it is expected that students develop an understanding and appreciation of the role of the pharmacist. Likewise, students will become socialized to the profession; develop effective communication skills and utilize self-assessment as a tool in the continual quest for lifelong learning.
During the summer following the P2 year, students will complete the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience II颅 Hospital Pharmacy which exposes students to the medication use process in an institutional/hospital setting with an emphasis on technology, patient safety, pharmaceutical compounding and basic operations. This experience is comprised of an eight-hour weekly practicum in the spring semester.
During the third professional year, within the fall and spring semesters, students will complete the direct patient care Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences that allow students to learn and reinforce previously gained patient-centered pharmacy care principles, pharmaceutical knowledge and effective professional communication in various clinical settings. Students are required to monitor patient cases and develop comprehensive pharmaceutical care plans.
The last professional year at the SOPPS is composed entirely of advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Students complete seven modules (six weeks, induration per module). The four required modules include: community practice, hospital practice, acute care/internal/general medicine and ambulatory care practice. The students will choose two additional elective modules which include both patient and non-direct patient care experiences in a variety of pharmacy practice settings. Finally, the students will complete one module for the Pharmacy Capstone Project, which begins during the P3 year.
Professional Practice (Introductory-Intermediate)
Total Contact Hours = 300+
Professional Year One
- Reflection/Case based activities
- Simulation (IPE)
- Professional Practice I-Introduction to Community Pharmacy Practicum (80 hours)
Total Hours = 80
Professional Year Two
- Professional Practice II-Institutional Practicum
- Reflection activities (80 hours)
Total Hours = 80
Professional Year Three
- Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience III: Direct Patient Care I
- Direct Patient Care in Community Settings (80 hours)
- Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience IV: Direct Patient Care II
- Capstone Preparation (80 hours)
Total Hours = 160
Professional Practice (Advanced)
Total Contact Hours = 1,680
Professional Year Four
Seven (6 week) experiences: 40 Hours per week x 6 weeks
- APPE Orientation
- Four Required Experiences Community, Hospital/Institutional, Ambulatory Care, and Medicine (Acute Care)
- Two Elective Experiences
- One Research Module
Total Hours = 1,680