Declaring a PPL Major

You can declare a PPL major by .  We strongly suggest that you also find a time to meet with a PPL faculty advisor, to review major requirements and opportunities within the major, and to answer any questions. Faculty office hours are posted on the Advising page.

You can drop a PPL major by

Some general advice and information regarding registering for classes:

  • Take PHIL 146: Law and Justice as early as you are able. This will provide preparation for other required philosophy courses (though, strictly speaking, it is not a prerequisite for other PHIL courses – you may take other PHIL courses in the series concurrently or before PHIL 146). PHIL 146 is offered every fall semester, and only occasionally in the spring semester. It is not offered during the summer or winter sessions.
  • PHIL 147, 148, and 149 do not presuppose any content from PHIL 146. They are offered in alternating semesters, and are also normally taught as summer courses.
  • PHIL 345: Philosophy of Law is not a prerequisite of most PHIL 45x courses. PHIL 345 is offered only during the spring semester.
  • We typically advise students to take a PHIL 45x course around the mid-point or before of their undergraduate career, especially if they are considering the Pell Honors Program. These seminars provide students with faculty contact, writing experience, and general preparation important for the application to the program. PHIL 45x seminars are offered every semester, but are not taught during summer or winter sessions.
  • Also, we generally advise students to enroll in smaller, seminar-style classes in advance of applications to law or graduate school. Developing faculty contacts is essential for effective letters of recommendation and the like.