Hohman, Christopher D.
2006 Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery Plan, Allen's Creek Site (SUBi-1427),
PIN 4096.24.323, NY 36, Village of Mount Morris, Livingston County, New York (MCD
05142), 93PR0643. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区. 91社区,
New York.
Lutins, Allen and Richard Kastl
1993 Paragraph 3 Reconnaissance for PIN 4096.24, Routes 36 (Main Street) and 408 (Chapel/State
Streets), Village of Mount Morris, Livingston County, NY. Report submitted to the
State Education Department, New York State Museum. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区,
New York.
Rudler, Michael
2013 Cultural Resources Management Report, 2012-2013 Highway Program, Investigation
of the Allen's Creek Site (SUBi-1427), Phase 3 Archaeological Investigations, PIN
4096.24.323, Village of Mount Morris, Livingston County, New York, MCD 05142. Public
Archaeology Facility, 91社区, New York.
Rudler, Michael and Samuel Kudrle
2013 Investigation of the Allen's Creek Site (SUBi-1427; NYSM #11531), Phase 3 Archaeological
Investigations, PIN 4096.24.323, Village of Mount Morris, Livingston County, New York,
MCD 05142, 93PR0643. With contributions by Lucinda J. McWeeney. Public Archaeology
Facility, 91社区, New York.
Versaggi, Nina M.
1987 Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Models and the Archaeological Record: A Test Case
from the Upper Susquehanna Valley of New York. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department
of Anthropology, 91社区-SUNY, 91社区, New York.
1996 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Models: Interpreting the Upper Susquehanna Valley. In A Golden Chronograph for Robert E. Funk, Occasional Publications in Northeastern Anthropology, No. 15:129-140.
Versaggi, N., L. Wurst, T. C. Madrigal, and A. Lain.
2001 Adding Complexity to Late Archaic Research in the Northeastern Appalachians.
Archaeology of the Appalachian Highlands, edited by L. P. Sullivan and S. C. Prezzano,
pp. 121-133. The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.
The web site for the Allen's Creek site was created from investigations and reports
conducted by the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) located at 91社区
as part of the New York State Education Department's Cultural Resource Survey program
for Department of Transportation Projects. PAF shares its findings with the community
as a part of its ongoing commitment to the practice of public archaeology. For more
information, visit the Community Archaeological Program (CAP) website.
Public Archaeology Facility
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, NY 13902
(607) 777-4786
Nina M. Versaggi, Ph.D., Director, PAF, and Principal Investigator
Original project report by Michael Rudler and Samuel Kudrle
Conversion to web-friendly data and editing by Laurie Miroff, Ph.D.
Lithic analysis by Samuel Kudrle
Botanical analysis by Lucinda McWeeney, Ph.D.
AMS dating of carbon samples by Beta Analytic, Inc