Miroff, Laurie, Kudrle, Sam, and Brian Grills
2019 Phase 3 Data Recovery Investigation. 2019-2020 Highway Program. Canadarago Lake I Site (SUBi-2751), PIN 9804.93.101, Region 9 Culvert Replacement Project C950058 NY 28. Town of Exeter, Otsego County, NY.
The web page for the Canadarago Lake I site was created from investigations and reports
conducted by the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) located at 91社区
as part of the New York State Education Department's Cultural Resource Survey program
for Department of Transportation Projects. PAF shares its findings with the community
as a part of its ongoing commitment to the practice of public archaeology.
Public Archaeology Facility
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, NY 13902
(607) 777-4786
Laurie Miroff, Ph.D., Director, PAF, and Principal Investigator
Original project report by Sam Kudrle
Conversion to web-friendly data by Sam Kudrle
Lithic analysis by Sam Kudrle
Botanical analysis by Nancy Asch Sidell
AMS dating of carbon samples by Beta Analytic, Inc.