Clay, R. Berle
1998 The Essential Features of Adena Ritual and Their Implications. Southeastern Archaeology
Grills, Brian R.
2005 Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Survey, 2005-2006 Highway Program, PIN 9043.29.121,
Stratton Mill Creek Relocation Project, Town of Kirkwood, Broome County, New York
(MCD 00708). Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
2006a Cultural Resource Site Examination, 2006-2007 Highway Program, Stratton Mill Creek Site (SUBi-2530; NYSM #11652), PIN 9043.29.121, Stratton Mill Creek Relocation Project, Town of Kirkwood, Broome County, New York, MCD 00708, 04PR04894. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
2006b Data Recovery Plan Stratton Mill Creek Site (SUBi-2530; NYSM# 11652; SHPO# A00708.000080), PIN 9043.29.121, Stratton Mill Creek Relocation Project, Town of Kirkwood, Broome County, New York, MCD 00708, 04PR04894. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
2008 End-of-Field Summary, Data Recovery of the Stratton Mill Creek Site (SUBi-2530), PIN 9043.29.121, Town of Kirkwood, Broome County, New York (04PR04894). Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
Hays, Christopher T.
1995 Adena Mortuary Patterns and Ritual Cycles in The Upper Scioto Valley, Ohio. Unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, 91社区, 91社区,
New York.
Miroff, Laurie E. and Samuel M. Kudrle
2017 Cultural Resource Management Report, 2017-2018 Highway Program, Data Recovery,
The Stratton Mill Creek Site, (SUBi-2530, NYSM #11652), PIN 9043.29.121, Stratton
Mill Relocation Project, Town of Kirkwood, Broome County, New York (MCD 00708, 04PR4894).
Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
Versaggi, Nina M. and Timothy D. Knapp
2000 Steatite, Interaction, and Persistence: The Transitional Period of New York's
Upper Susquehanna. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The web page for the Stratton Mill Creek site was created from investigations and
reports conducted by the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) located at 91社区
as part of the New York State Education Department's Cultural Resource Survey program
for Department of Transportation Projects. PAF shares its findings with the community
as a part of its ongoing commitment to the practice of public archaeology. For more
information, visit the Community Archaeological Program (CAP) website:
Public Archaeology Facility
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, NY 13902
(607) 777-4786
Nina M. Versaggi, Ph.D., Director, PAF, and Principal Investigator
Original project report by Laurie Miroff and Samuel Kudrle, with contributions by Brian R. Grills, John Stiteler, Nancy Asch Sidell, and Nina M. Versaggi
Conversion to web-friendly data and editing by Laurie Miroff and Nina Versaggi
Lithic analysis by Brian Grills, Dorothy Kastl, and Heidi Savery
Botanical analysis by Nancy Asch Sidell
AMS dating of carbon samples by Beta Analytic, Inc.
Geomorphological analysis by John Stiteler