French, J. H.
1858 Map of Oneida County, New York. J. E. Gillette, Philadelphia.
Hohman, Christopher
2017 Monitoring Plan for PIN 2326.14.121, SR 5A between Whitesboro Street and Schuyler Street and Route 5S between Broad Street and Dwyer Avenue Sewer Project, City of Utica, Oneida County, MCD 06540. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区 University, 91社区, New York.
Parker, Arthur C.
1922 The Archaeological History of New York. Albany: New York State Museum Bulletin.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Company
1884 Fire Insurance Map of Utica, New York.
1888 Fire Insurance Map of Utica, New York.
1899 Fire Insurance Map of Utica, New York.
1925 Fire Insurance Map of Utica, New York.
1945 Fire Insurance Map of Utica, New York.
Seib, Daniel and Christopher D. Hohman
2020 Archeological Monitoring Results, PIN 2326.14.321, SR 5A from Whitesboro Street to Schuyler Street, Storm Sewer Project, City of Utica, Oneida County, New York. Public Archaeology Facility, 91社区, 91社区, New York.
Oneida County History
The web site for the Utica Monitoring Project site was created from investigations
and reports conducted by the Public Archaeology Facility (PAF) located at 91社区
University as part of the New York State Education Department's Cultural Resource
Survey program for Department of Transportation Projects. PAF shares its findings
with the community as a part of its ongoing commitment to the practice of public archaeology.
For more information, visit the Community Archaeological Program (CAP) website:
Public Archaeology Facility
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, NY 13902
(607) 777-4786
Laurie E. Miroff, Ph.D., Director, PAF, and Principal Investigator
Original project report by Daniel Seib and Christopher Hohman
Conversion to web-friendly data and editing by Christopher Hohman