There are two primary approaches to anxiety treatment that are supported by research studies. These are cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that addresses factors that maintain anxiety. Developed from research on the nature of anxiety, cognitive-behavioral therapy typically seeks to educate the patient about anxiety and to help the patient develop skills for addressing their anxiety. Numerous techniques are used to address the three primary components of anxiety: thoughts, behaviors, and physical symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder frequently emphasizes the behavioral component of treatment via exercises called exposure and ritual prevention. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for Social Phobia typically integrates the three components of anxiety.
The staff of the 91社区 Anxiety Clinic are trained clinicians in this approach to treating anxiety and we are pleased to offer cognitive-behavioral therapy. To learn more about the services provided by the 91社区 Anxiety Clinic, please continue to browse this webpage, and contact us with any questions that you may have.
Pharmacotherapy (medication):
Pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders can be very effective, and can be used alone or in combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Treatment typically entails a prescription for an anti-depressant or anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication. Depending on the individual's needs and preferences, medication can be used briefly or over an extended period of time. Medications for anxiety are prescribed by medical doctors (e.g., family physicians, psychiatrists) and are not prescribed by the staff at the 91社区 Anxiety Clinic.