PHD Recipients & Placements

Alumni of our PhD Program

Graduates of our doctoral program find meaningful careers, both in and outside the academia. 91社区 two thirds of our PhDs over the past 10 years hold full-time academic positions in the US and internationally. In the US, our graduates have recently landed tenure track jobs at US Universities such as Tennessee-Knoxville and California-Fullerton as well as at private liberal arts colleges such as Arcadia and Providence College. Internationally, our alum have recently secured prestigious postdocs such as at Germany's Max-Planck Institute for Human Development and Turkey's Koc University and full-time academic appointments such as at Turkey's Ankara University and Hungary-based Central European University. For some, doctoral research becomes a springboard for investing in social and research initiatives through non-profits, or government agencies.

  • Placements of Class of 2024

     Andrea Toth, PhD

    • Dissertation: "The Long-Road to 21st-Century Hungarian Illiberal Nationalism: History, Nationalism, Memory
      Politics, and the Trianon Treaty Over Time"

    Manuel Francisco Varo Lopez, PhD

    • Dissertation: "State, Science, and Religion: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hispanic Monarchy, 1516-1759"

    Nicola Satchell, PhD

    • Placement:
      • Lecturer, Department of Government
      • Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Leadership and Governance, University of the West Indies, Mona
      • Associate, Institute of Criminal Justice and Security, University of the West Indies  
    • Dissertation:  "Rethinking the Morant Bay Rebellion: State of Exception, State Formation and Social Control in Post-Emancipation Jamaica"

    Harun Ercan, PhD

    • Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor at Kenyon College, Department of Sociology
    • Dissertation: "Selective Hegemony: Counterinsurgency, Racialization, and Criminal Networks in Turkey"

    Mohammed Aly, PhD

    • Dissertation: "Egyptian Academic Historiography, 1920s-2020s"

    Babyrani Yumnam, PhD

    • Dissertation: "Development Through Cross-Border Connectivity: Politics of Development in Northeast India"
  • Placements of Class of 2023

     Michael Stephens, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Lenoir-Rhyne University
    • Dissertation: "The Neoliberal Politics of LGBTQ Rights and Gay Tourism in Cartagena de Indias"

    Emre Sahin, PhD

    • Placement: Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of Nevada - Reno
    • Dissertation: "From Contention to Prefiguration: Women's Autonomous Mobilization and Rojava Revolution" 

    Busra Sati Doga, PhD

    • Dissertation: "Feeding the Workers: Food, Corporations, and Welfare in 20th-Century America."
  • Placements of Class of 2022

    Fathun Karib Satrio, PhD

    • Placement: Postdoctoral fellow at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
    • Dissertation: "Living in the Ruins of the Capitalocene: Lapindo Mudflow Disaster, Porong Peasants Extinction, and Fractal Resistance"

    Gabreella Friday, PhD

    • Placement: Postdoctoral Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Race and Ethnicity, Brown University
    • Dissertation: "Weaponizing and Resisting Time: Race, Gender, and Punishment"

    Shincha Park, PhD

    • Dissertation: "Here, There, and Nowhere Belonging: Contested Nationality of Korean Residents of Japan"

    Daniel Cunha, PhD

    • Placement: Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Humanities and Information, Pennsylvania State University
    • Dissertation: "The Rise of the Hungry Automatons: The Industrial Revolution as World-Historical Imposition of Abstract Labor and
      Feralized Extractivism"

    Mehmet Can Omay, PhD

    • Dissertation: "The Fraternal Twins: A Comparative Study of Hegemony Building, Political Mobilization and Crony Capitalism in Neo-Authoritarian Turkey and Russia (1991-2021)
  • Placements of Class of 2021

     Kai Wen Yang, PhD

    • Placement: Postdoctoral Fellow of the Sociology/Feminist Research Institute (FRI), in the American Council of Learned Societies 
    • Dissertation: "Cycles of Capital Accumulation, Bio-Politics and
      Displacement in Chinatown and the Lower East Side,
      Manhattan, New York City, 1965-2017"

    Crystal Vuole, PhD

    • Placement: Program Chair, Human Services and Sociology, Post University
    • Dissertation: "From Angry Militants to Happy Vegans: Animal Rights Activists' Recasting for Vegan Recruitment"

    Marcin Grodzki, PhD

    • Dissertation: "The Axionormative Order of Science: Scientific Exploration and the Making of New Organic Solidarity Among Intellectuals"

    Nil眉fer Akalin, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University 
    • Dissertation: 鈥淗ealing the Immigrant Patient: The New Borderlands of the Immigration Enforcement Regime in the U.S. Health System"

    Eren Karaca, PhD

    • Placement: Lecturer at TED University, Turkey
    • Dissertation: "Health Reform and PPP Hospitals in AKP's Turkey"
  • Placements of Class of 2020

    Odilka Santiago, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of San Diego
    • Dissertation: "From Jim Crow to Jane Crow: Policing Black And Brown Women And Families In NYC Homeless Shelters" 

    Roberto Ortiz Ortiz, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cal-State Long Beach
    • Dissertation: "The Political Ecology of Global Oil: Uneven Development, Petrodollar Illusions and Climate Crisis, 1900-2019"

    Sung Hee Ru, PhD

    • Placement: Humanities Korea Research Professor at the Seoul National University Asia Center
    • Dissertation: "China's incorporation Process into the capitalist world-economy 1780s - 1890s"

    Apurva Apurva, PhD

    • Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, SUNY Oneonta
    • Dissertation: "Becoming Pune: Accumulation, Accommodation and the Making of a Globalizing City"

    Beniam Awash, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology, SUNY Oneonta
    • Dissertation: "Political Ecology of Climate Change and Violence: 'Land Grabs' in Darfur, Sudan and Abiyotawi (Revolutionary) Ethiopia"

    Huahsuan Chu, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
    • Dissertation: "Tropicalizing Taiwan: The Environment, Crops, and Institutions of the Japanese Colonial Food Regime, 1895-1945"

    Canan Tanir, PhD

    • Placement: Lecturer in the Sociology department at University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
    • Dissertation: "To whom does the natural come naturally: Neoliberal Ideals of Mothering in Turkey"

    Elif Cagis, PhD

    • Dissertation: "Interwar Pronatalism in Turkey: Its Formation, Discourse, and Institutions"

    Chungse Jung, PhD

    • Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, SUNY Cortland
    • Dissertation: 鈥淎ge of Protest: World-Historical Structure and Dynamics of Protest Waves in the Global South in the Long Twentieth Century鈥
  • Placements of Class of 2019

    Delal Aydin, PhD

    • Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Duisburg-Essen, Turkistik/Turkish Studies (part of the Academy in Exile)
    • Dissertation: "Crafting the Self in the Shadow of the Turkish State:  The Formation of Yurtsever Subjectivity in the 1990s"

    Gamze Evcimen, PhD

    • Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Kalamazoo College
    • Dissertation: "The Recent Protest Wave and the Professionals in the Global South:  The Politics of Professionals in the Gezi Protests and Beyond."

    Kevin Revier, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, SUNY Cortland
    • Dissertation: "Policing Pain:  Opioids, Crisis, and a Shifting War on Drugs"

    Rigoberto Andino, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor, Social Science Department, Center for Ethnic Studies, Borough of Manhattan Community College
    • Dissertation: "Coffee, Sugar, Enslaved Labor and the Social Production of Space: Slavery in the Municipality of 1872
      Mayagues, Puerto Rico"

    Cagri Idiman, PhD

    • Instructor: Department of Sociology, Yeditepe University,
      Istanbul, Turkey
    • Dissertation: "Hegemony in the Making of the West: Nature, Classes, States"

    Mehmet Baki Deniz, PhD

    • Instructor, Department of Sociology, Yeditepe University,
      Istanbul, Turkey
    • Dissertation: "Who Rules Erdogen's Turkey? Business Power and the Rise of An Authoritarian Populist"
  • Placements of Class of 2018

    Toivo Asheeke, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Africana Studies, Georgia State University 
    • Dissertation: "Uncovering Hidden Fronts of Africa's Liberation Struggle: Black Power, Black Consciousness and South Africa's Armed Struggle, 1967-1985"

    Steven Bates, PhD

    • Placement: N/A
    • Dissertation: "World-Systems Analysis as Response to Limitations of the Sociology of Knowledge"

    Nazan Bedirhanoglu, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Xavier University
    • Dissertation: "Topologies of Global Governance in Geneva: Fragmentation of the Intellectual Property Regime"

    Zhandarka Kurti, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice 
      Loyola University, Chicago
    • Dissertation: "The Making of "Disconnected Youth:" the Role of Criminal Courts, Probation and Non-Profit Organizations in the Criminalization and Management of Youth of Color in NYC"

    Bengu Kurtege-Sefer, PhD

    • Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Koc University (Turkey)  and the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development at Koc University
    • Dissertation: "The Apotheosis of the Green Revolution and the Throes of Landless Peasant Women in Two Aegean Villages of Turkey in the 1960s"

    Ben Marley, PhD

    • Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Michigan State University
    • Dissertation: "Agricultural Revolutions in America's Heartland: The Corn Belt and the Making of American Capitalism"

Sociology PhD Recipients (Archived)

  • 2017 Recipients
    • Fox, Samantha

    • Placement: Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Ohio Wesleyan University
    • Dissertation: "On the Margins of a Mine, On the Margins of Capitalism: Indigenous Autonomy & Extractive Development in Guatemala"

    • Givre, Sophia, Class Matters: Social Class, Educational Reform and Standardized Testing at a Fringe Rural Secondary School

    • Mead, Ryan, Dispossession, Transformation and Representation: Producing Capitalist Agriculture in the Lower Colorado River Borderlands, 1540-1911

    • Yarkin, Gullistan, The Making of National-Racial Formation and Coloniality in Turkey: Turkish-Kurdish Relations in a Working-Class District of Zeytinburnu in Istanbul, 1950-2017

  • 2016 Recipients
    • Birkhold, Matthew, Theory and Practice: Organic Intellectuals and Revolutionary Ideas in Detroit's Black Power Movement, 1954-1972

    • Dolcerocca, Antoine, The Agrarian Question in Burkina Faso: the State, the Commons and the Transformation of Property Relations

    • Lee, Latoya, Virtual Homespace: (Re)Constructing the Body and Identity through Social Media

    • Molk, Florence, The Space of Policing in the Modern World-System: The Making of the European Identity in the Core

    • Parisot, James, American Expansion: The Transition to Capitalism on the Frontier of Colonization

    • Yesilbag, Melih, The Mortar of Hegemony: The Political Economy of the Construction Boom in AKP's Turkey

  • 2015 Recipients
    • Feinig, Jakob, Monetary Silences, Monetary Consciousness American Publics and Money Creation From 1690-1936

    • McQuade, Brendan,

    • Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Southern Maine
    • Dissertation: "Securing the Homeland? Inside the World of Intelligence Fusion:

  • 2014 Recipients
    • Gulhan, Sinan, The Honorable Exception: State and the Social Production of Concrete Space in Istanbul

    • Huang, Yu-Lin, Modernizing Fertility: International Networks of Social Knowledge, Contraceptive Technologies and Family Planning Programs between Post-War Taiwan and the United States

    • Ortiz, Reynaldo, From Plantation to Prison: Visual Economies of Slave Resistance, Criminal Justice, and Penal Exile in the Spanish Caribbean (1820-1886)

    • Tasdemir, Zehra, Capital, Nation-State and Nature: Oil and Reproducing Mosul in the Modern World Economy

    • Tsai, You-Lin, From Authoritarian Developmentalism to Neoliberal Developmentalists: The Post-1980's Democratization and Economic Liberalization in E. Asian Democracies

  • 2013 Recipients
    • Grubacic, Andrej, Exilic Spaces and practices in the modern world-system

    • Sarioglu, Esra, Global Transformations and New Imaginaries of Gender: A Study of Female Retail Workers in Turkey

    • Gundogan, Azat, Peripheral Urbanization and Urban Politics in Istanbul, City-Region: The Case of Gebze, 1965-2012

  • 2012 Recipients
    • Carlo, Peter, Which is 'White 'and Which Colored?; Notes on Race and/or Color Among Peurto Ricans Inter-War, New York City

    • Lee, Kwang Jung, Getting Prices Right Again?: An Actor-Oriented World-Systems Approach to the Transformation of the South Korean Labor Regime, 1987-2011

    • Li, Ju, All that is sold melts into air? The Social Transformation of a Third Front Enterprise in China

  • 2011 Recipients
    • Aizenberg, Lila, Towards a Critical Approach to Intercultural Health Programs: A Case Study of Indigenous Women in the Bolivian Amazon

    • Balaban, Utku, Conveyor Belt of Flesh: Urban Space and Proliferation of the Industrial Labor Practices

    • Cherot, Natalie, Vietnamese Adoptee Narratives of Saving, Stealing, Activism and Multiculturalism

    • Dear-Healey, Sally, Like Mother? Like Daughter? An Exploration of Factors Influencing the Transition of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behaviors from Mothers to Daughters about Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Mothering

    • Endo, Masako, Sexualized People" and the Remaking of the Japanese Woman: Nation, Gender and Race during the US Occupation of Japan

    • Gonen, Zeynep, Neoliberal Politics of Crime: The Izmir Public Order Police and Criminalization of the Urban Poort6 in Turkey since the late 1990's

  • 2010-1976 Recipients 


    • Delgado de Torres, Lena, Queens, Kings and Swagga: Gender and the "With to Adorn" in Jamaican Dancehall

    • Howison, Jeff, This is not a Cotton Picker's Dream: Regions Race and Political Change in the Post WW II United States

    • Huynh, Tu, A Racial Redivisioning of Society: Indentured Chinese Labor in the Transformation of Racial Capitalism in South Africa, 1903-1910

    • Lin, Chen-Ju, Institutions, local politics and firm strategies: Two Labor Systems in Taiwan

    • Ngaruka, Festus, The Reorganization of Plantation Labor, Ethno-National Race-Formation and the Emergence of 'Black' and 'White' as a principle of Social Organization, Virginia (USA) 1660-1940s

    • Schmidt, Robert, Reivtalization and its Discontents: The Political and Symgolic Economy of Post-Anthracite PA (1945-2010)

    • Swami, Vandana, Wheels of Empire and Reordering of Landscape: The Great Indian Peninsula Railway and Geography in 19th Century Colonial Western India


    • Agartan, Kaan, Privatization & Limits Economic Liberalization in Turkey: ERDEMR Case Study

    • Fu, Albert, Landscapes of Spanish-Colonial Revival

    • Guvenc, Sanem, Eugenics as Science of the Social: A Case from 1930's Istanbul

    • Serdar, Ayse, Limits to the Revitalization of Labor: Social Movement Unionism in Argentina


    • Agartan, Tuba, Turkish Health System in Transition: Historical Background & Reform

    • Arellano-Lopez, Sonia, The Social Construction of Trade in the Bechuanland Protectorate

    • Bezmez, Dikmen, The Politics of Urban Regeneration: The Case of the Golden Horn, Istanbul

    • Calderon-Zaks, Michael, Constructing the 'Mexican Race': US Empire and Racial Formation, 1886-1940

    • Emrence, Cem, The Great Divergence in the Ottoman Middle East, 1820

    • Farmer, Stephanie, Chicago's Public Transportation System: The Contradictions of Neo-Liberalist in the Global City

    • Gagne, Karen, Fiction as a Guerilla Activity: Towards a New Science of the Human

    • Liu, Chi-Wei, Hog Island: Agricultural Protectionism and Food Dependency of Taiwan

    • Mohamed, Wazir, Frustrated Peasants, Marginalized Workers: Free African Villages in Guyana, 1838-1885

    • Unal, Bayram, Ethnic Division of Labor: The Moldovan Migrant Women in-House Services in Istanbul

    • Unlu, Baris, The Genealogy of a World-Empire: THe Ottomans in World History


    • Kim, Young-Sun, Patriarchy and the Making of Colonial Modernity in Colonial Korea: Colonialism, Nationalism and Modern Korean Female Subjectivities During 1920-37

    • Kuo, Huei-Ying, Transnational Business Networks and Sub-ethnic Nationalism: Chinese Business and Nationalist Activities in British Colonial Hong Kong and Singapore, 1919-1941

    • Nankoe, Mohamed Hakiem, The Atlantic Area: A Historical-Sociological and Anthropological Reflection


    • Aykac, Aslihan, Contemporary Forms of Labor Transformation: The Case of Tourism Workers in Turkey

    • Makki, Fouad, Eritea Between Empires: Italian Colonialism, the Ethiopian Empire and the Making and Remaking of Eritrean Nationalism, 1890-1001

    • Stremlin, Boris, Constructing a Multiparadigm World History: Civilizations, Ecumenes and World-Systems in the Ancient Near East

    • Westmaas, Nigel, A Mirror of Social and Political Ferment: The Newspaper Press of Guyana: 1839-1899

    • Yidana, Richard, Constructing Narratives, Controlling Histories: The Politics of Anti-Colonial Nationalism


    • Bush, Caleb, Land, Conflict, and the 'Net of Incorporation': Capitalism's Uneven Expansion into he Navajo Indian Reservation, 1860-2000

    • Campbell, Elizabeth, Refugee Protection Challenges in the Era of Globalization: the Case of Nairobi

    • Gonzalez-Cruz, Michael,Puerto Rican Revolutionary Nationalism (1955-2005): Migration, Armed Struggle, Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War

    • Morier-Genoud, Eric, The Catholic Church, Religious Orders and the Making of Politics in Colonial Mozambique: The Case of the Dioceses of Beira, 1

    • Lopes, Jose Augusto Mota, Colonialism, Liberalism, and Structural Adjustment in Southern Africa: Mozambique, Portugal, and South Africa in the World Economy and Before It. 3000BCE-1480 and 1480-2025

    • Ostertag, Robert, People's Movements, Pople's Press: The Journalism of Social Justice Movements in the United States

    • Rodriguez, Robinson, Economic Restructuring, Labor Power Repulsion, and the Making of a Mass of Deracianated Workers: A Worker's Community in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

    • Shie, Hung-Ren (Vincent), High-Tech Strategies across the Taiwan Strait: Dynamic Interactions between Taiwanese and Chinese

    • Sunaryo (one name only), Uprooting Grassroots, Implanting Capital: The Combined Depletive and Hyper Development of Capitalist Forestry Modeled by the United States in Southeast Asia


    • Assefa, Mehret, Nomadism in the Making of the Afrasian Ecumene: Toward a Paradigm of Pre-Modernity

    • Juntti, Eira, Gender and Nationalism in Finland in the Early Nineteenth Century


    • Bilotti, Edvige, Beyond the Hegemony of Universalist Models: East Asian Dynamism and a Critique of Economic Development Paradigms

    • Copelton, Denise, Pregnancy by the Book: Women's Accomodation and Resistance to Medicalized Pregnancy Practices

    • Fletcher, Brian, Environmental Equity or Environmental Discrimination: An Assessment of the New York State Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Disposal Program

    • Frezzo, Mark, Deflecting the Crisis: Keynesianism, Social Movements, and US Hegemony

    • Mhando, Lindah, The Making of the Modern World: Comparative and Relational Perspectives in Race, Class, and Gender

    • Olmedo, Clara, Labor-Capital Relations under Neoliberal Reforms. The Role of the State in the Regulations of Informed-Precarious Labor

    • Saatci, Mustafa, Turkish Immigrants in the United States: Historical and Cultural Origins

    • Tsai, Hung-jen, A Critical Political Economy of the Postwar Taiwan-China Relations: Nationalist Politics and Economic Globalization


    • Benjamin, Jesse, East Africa and the World: Racialized Knowledge and Power in the Construction of History and Identity

    • Hollister, John, Reconstructing Social Theory at Cruising Site

    • Kirli, Biray, From Ottoman Empire to Turkish Nation-States: Reconfiguring Spaces and Geo-Bodies

    • Lao, Agustin, Late Colonial Power: Counterpointing Northern Ireland and Puerto Rico in Post-World War II Modern/Colonial Capitalist World-System

    • Marquez-Herrera, Armando, Situacion y Perspectivas de la Agricultura de Zacatecas Bajo el Neoliberalisms 1990-2000

    • Nankoe, Margo, The Social Question and the Welfare State in the Modern World-System


    • Baldoz, Richard, Yellow Masses, Dangerous Classes: The Racialization of Filipino Migrant Labor in the US c. 1927-51

    • Bandhauer, Carina, A Global Trend in Racism: the Late 20th Century Anti-Immigrant Movement in Southern California

    • Buechler, Stephanie, Water & Guanajuato's Eguido Agriculture, Rsource Access, Exclusion and Multiple Livelihood Strategies

    • Garcia-Valle, Eva, Subsestencia & Reproduccion Campesina, En El Marco Del Contexto Capitalista, El Casode el Salto, 1934-1999

    • Godfrey, Phoebe, "Sweet Little Girls"? Miscegenation, Desegregation, and Defense of Whiteness at Little Rock's Central High 1957-1959

    • Mielants, Eric, The Origins of Capitalism & the "Rise of the West" Revisited

    • Nazarchuk, Sharon, The Care and Cost of Elderly in Long-Term Care Facilities in the United States

    • Pangsapa, Piyasuda, Integration, Exploitation, and Possiblilities for Resistance. A Case Study of Female Textile Factory Workers in Thailand

    • Roy, Anapama, Citizenship and Women in Late Colonial India

    • Samman, Khaldoun, Cities of God and Nationalism: Rome, Mecca, and Jerusalem as Contested Sacred World Cities

    • Shih, Miin-Wen, The Rise of China in World-System Perspective

    • Tamdgidi, Mohammad-Hossein, Mysticism and Utopia: Towards the Sociology of Self-Knowledge and Human Architecture (A Study in Marx, Gurdjieff and Mannheim)


    • Canterbury, Dennis, Politics and Social Forces in Guyanese Working Class Development

    • Hernandez-Leon, Ruben, Urban Origin Migration From Mexico to the United State: the Case of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area

    • Ray, Krishnendu, Meals, Migration, and Modernity Food and the performance of Bengdi-American Ethnicity

    • Reifer, Thomas, Violence, Profits and Power: Globalization, the Warfare-Welfare State and the Rise and Demise of the New Deal World Order

    • Slater, Eric, The Return of the Capitalist City: Global Urbanism in Historical Perspective

    • Takak, Faruk, The Ottoman Countryside in the Age of the Autumn of the Mediterranean c. 1560-1870

    • Yenal, Hatice, Weaving a Market: The Informal Economy and Gender in a Transnational Trade Network Between Turkey and the Former Soviet Union

    • Yenal, Nuri, The Culture and Political Economy of Food Consumption Practices in Turkey 


    • Brown, Owen, The Economic Sociology of Independent Africa: A Study in Historical Change Amid Economic Continuity and Socio-Political Decay

    • Koeber, Charles, Becoming Displaced by Structural Change: The Process, Meaning and Relations of Worker Displacement

    • Sherman, Steve, Hegemonic Transitions and Cultural Change: The Making and Unmaking of Hegemonic Modernity in the Modern World System 


    • Barr, Kenneth, The Metamorphosis of Business Enterprise

    • Boles, Elson, Rebels, Gamblers, and Silk - Agencies and Structures of the Japan-US Silk Network, 1860-1890

    • Brussi, Antonio, From Pequi to Soybean: Agricultural Expansion and the Incorporation of Central Brazil

    • Cameron, Jeanne, Neither Excellence nor Equity: A Case Study of Reform, Reproduction, and Resistance at an Urban Elementary School

    • Castillo, Nydia, Educacion Superior, Economia, Politica E Ideologia Nicaragua, 1960-97

    • Colatrella, Stephen, The Working Class 'Web': Immigrants in Italy and the Making of the Worldwide Labor Market

    • Hayashi, Yoshie, Women's Labor and Capitalist Development in Japan, C.A. 1600-1995: Historical Formation of Worker Segmentation and Peripheral Integration of Women's Labor

    • Ikeda, Satoshi, The Trifurcating Miracle: Corporations, Workers, Bureaucrats, and the Erosion of Japan's National Economy

    • Kumar, Arun, An Inquiry into the Changing Language of Politics: Kisan in Colonial Bihar

    • LeBach, Duong, State, Economic Development and Internal Migration in Vietnam

    • Pelizzon, Sheila, But Can She Spin?: The Decline in the Social Standing of Women in the Transition From Feudalism to Capitalism 


    • Kellum, Robert, Capitalism and the Eye

    • Melendez, Walter, Hegemonic Powers and Peripheral States - United States and Peru During Pax Americana


    • Baerga, Maria, Exclusion and Resistance: Household, Gender and Work in the Needlework Industry in P7uerto Rico, 1914-1940

    • Phillips, Brian, Democracy and Capitalism in Conflict: Global Production, Domestic Decay and Plant Closings 


    • Arrigo, Linda Gail, The Economics of Inequality in an Agrarian Society: Landownership, Land Tenure, Population Processes and the Rate of Rent in 1930's China

    • Delugulan, Gueorgui, The Historical Sociological Study of Nationalist Separtisms in Tataria, Chechnya, Abkhazia and Ajaria

    • Hui, P.K., Overseas Chinese Business Networks: East Asian Economic Development in Historical Perspective

    • Irwan, Alex, Business Networks and the Regional Economy of East and Southeast Asia in the Late Twentieth Century

    • Lee, Richard, Herlad or Hydra? English Cultural Studies in the post 1945 World System

    • Ndabezitha, Siyabonga, Industrial Restructuring and Social Organization of Work: The Dynamics of Competitions and Control in the Paper and printing Industries of South Africam 1930 -1970s

    • Sundaram, Ravi, Nationalism, Modernity and the Modern World-System - Cultural Responses in Germany and India (1815-1947)


    • Argiros, Rita, Dissertation not listed in file and Dissertation Copy missing.

    • Baronov, David, The Process of Working Class Formation: The Abolition of Slavery in 19th Century Brazil in World-Historical Perspective

    • Brill, Howard, Producing Health: The Making of the Hospital as a Business

    • Guisti, Juan, Social Relations of Puerto Rican Peasant Proletarians: History, Ecology and Labor in a Caribbean Sugar Plantations Zone Pinones (Loiza, Puerto Rico 1920 - 1950

    • Mayer, Gerald, The Ideological and Theoretical Foundations of Studies of Corporate Income Tax Incidence

    • Washington, Patricia, Age, Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation: Intersecting Variables in Manifestations of the Second Assault Phenomenon

    • You, Laiyin, Unequal Rights: Social Welfare in Contemporary China


    • Malone-Hawkins, Sally, Reconstructing Feminism: The Black Women's Perspective

    • Santos, Gonzalo, The Historical Construction of Latino Peoplehood in the United States, 1350 - 1990

    • Schaefer, Emmet, Labor Flows and the Emergence of a Southern African Regional Economy

    • Wongchaisuwan, Tienchai, The Political Economy of Thailand: The Thai Peripheral State, 1958-1988 


    • Bush, Rod, Social Movements Among the Urban Poor: The U. S. in the Twentieth Century

    • Crespo, Elizabeth, Hanging Conceptions of Femininity Among Puerto Rican Women

    • Fitch, Robert, The Political Economy of New York City: Fictitious versus Real Capital

    • Gerlus, Jean-Claude, The Political Economy of Haitian Migration

    • Kasaba, Kathie, "To Become a Person": Immigrant Women Experience of Gender, Ethnicity and Work, New York 1870 - 1924

    • Lu, Ai Guo, Household and Collective in Chinese and Soviet Agriculture


    • Bahl, Vinay, Rise and Growth of Indian Steel Industry and its Workers' Stuggle, 1900 - 1946

    • Cheng, Tie-Jun, Dialectics of Control, the Household Registration (Hukou) System in Contemporary China

    • Gulalp, Haldun, Nation-State Formation: A Study of the Turkish Evolution

    • Silver, Beverly, World Scale Patterns of Labor Unrest, 1870 - Present 


    • Ayala, Cesar, Industrial Oligopoly and Vertical Integration: The American Sugar Kingdom in the Caribbean, 1898 - 1934

    • Charles-Voltaire, Carrole, Transnational Dialectic of Race, Class & Ethnicity among Haitian Migrants in New York City: A Case Study of Haitian Leaders

    • Dangler, Jamie, Paid Work in the Home

    • Darosa, Aluisio Borges, The Portuguese Working Class in the Durfee Mills of Fall River, Mass.; A Study of the Division of Labor, Ethnicity and Labor Union Participation, 1895 - 1925

    • Jacobs, Basil Ian, Reflection on the Grenada Revolution: A Historical Sociological Perspective 1955 - 1984

    • Jalata, Asafa, The Question of Oromia: Euro-Ethipian Colonialism, Hegemoism and Nationalis, 1870s - 1980s

    • Ozveren, Eyup, An Ottoma Port-City in the Long Nineteenth Century: Beirut and Its Hinterland in the World-Economy 


    • Bernabe, Raphael, PreHistory of the Partido Popular Democratico; Munoz Marin, The Partido Liberal & the Crisis of Sugar in Puerto Rico 1930-35

    • Ka, Chih-Ming, Land Tenure, Development and Dependency in Colonial Taiwan (*1895 - 1945)

    • Shao, John, A Contribution to the Critique of African Historiography

    • Thompson, Lanny, Household and the Reproduction of Labor in Mexico, 1876 - 1970

    • Tibebu, Teshale, The Making of Modern Ethiopia, 1900-1975: An Inquiry in Historical Sociology

    • Vieux, Steven, Democratization by Revolt: the Foundation of Mid-Century Chilean Democracy, 1920-1932


    • Crichlow, Michelene, State Policy & Agricultural Transformation in the Caribbean: The Case of Jamaica 1930 - 1980

    • Dassbach, Carl, Global Enterprise and the World Economy: Ford, GM, and IBM the Emergence of the Transnational Enterprise

    • Fortuna, Carlos, Threading Through: Cotton Production, Colonial Mozambique and Semi-peripheral Portugal in the World Economy

    • Grant, Nicole, Social Issues and Women's Health: Sources of Risk in the Case of the Dalkon Shield-beyond Corporate Misconduct

    • Korzeniewicz, Roberto, Organized Labor in Argentina during the long 20th Century

    • Palat, Ravi, From World-Empire to World Economy: Southeastern India and the Emergence of the Indian Ocean World-Economy 1350 - 1650 


    • Ahmad, Seyed, Hindu-Muslin Conflict in India: A World System Perspective

    • Phillips, Peter, The Political Economy of U.S. - Caribbean Relations in the 20th Century: Cycles of Hegemony & Rivalry in the World-Economy & Changing Patterns of Peripheralization 


    • Kasaba, Resat, Peripheralization of the Ottoman Empire


    • Fitzgerald, Frank, Cuba's New Professionals

    • Martin, William, The Making of a Semiperiphery: South Africa & the World-Economy, 1870 - 1945

    • Painter, Thomas, Peasant Migrations and Rural Transformations in Niger: A Study of Incorporation Within a West African Capitalist Regional Economy c. 1875-c. 1982


    • Russell, Robert, Studies in the Reproduction of Labor Power

    • Schaeffer, Robert, Proletarian Passages: Thye Seafaring Proledtariat and the Expansion of Free Wage Labor in the 17th and 18th Century

    • Stark, Evan, Medicine and Patriarchal Violence 


    • Dickinson, Torry, The Redivision of the American Proletariat: The Philadelphia-Area Story, 1870 - 1945

    • Post, Charles, Primitive Accumulation, Class Struggle and the Capitalist State : Political Crisis and the Origins of the U.S. Civil War, C. 1844-1861

    • Yrchik, John, The Reorganization of the U.S. Auto Industry 1967-1983 


    • Kennedy, Deveraux, On the Historical Origins of "Juvenile Delinquency"

    • Truchil, Barry, Transformation in the Post-World War II U.S. Textile Industry: Effects on Capital-Labor Relationships

    • Walsh, Andrea, The Weeds Grow Long Near the Shore: The American Women's Film in the 1940's and the Experience

    • Williams, Richard, From Class to Race Ethnicity in the World Economy: The African and the Irish in the Peopling of America 


    • Coughlin, Reed, Ethno-nationalism and the Cultural Division of Labor: 19th Century Belfast

    • Dupuy, Alex, Feudalism and Slavery: Processes of Uneven Development in France in St. Domingue in the 18th Century

    • Moscoso, Francisco, Origins of Capitalism in Puerto Rico: Studies in the Economic History of Colonial Peoples

    • Petras, Elizabeth, Black Labor and White Capital: Formation of Jamaica as a Global Labor 


    • Lehrer, Susan, On Defining the Place of Women in Industrial Society: Protective Labor Legislation for Women, 1905 - 1925

    • Rademaker, Technology Skill and Social Orgnizations in Registered Nursing

    • Yeatman, Anna, The Theory of Civil Society: An Analytical Critique 


    • Laurentz, Robert, Racial Conflict in New Yortk City: The Garment Industry 1950 - 1978

    • Levine, Rhonda, Class Struggle and the Capitalist State: The National Industrial Recovery Act and the New Deal

    • Morley, Morris, Toward a Theory7 of Imperial Politics: United States Policy and the Process of State Formation in Cuba 1898-1978

    • Sirianni, Carmen, Workers Control and Socialist Democracy: The Russian Experience in Comparative Prospective

    • Weiss, Lawrence, The Development of Capitalism in Navajo Nation


    • Couch, Stephen, Class, Politics and Symphoney Orchestras: The Sociology of Orchestral Structures in London & New York

    • Kitty, Keith, Cultural Influences on Drinking Behavior and Attitudes

    • McMichael, Philip, Pastoralism and Primitive Accumulation of Capitalism: A Study of Australian Capitalism

    • Moikobu, Josephine, Relations Among Africans and Afro-Americans 


    • Magarelli, Clyde, The Relationship Between the Working Class Struggle and the Armed Forces Movement of Portugal: April 15, 1974 to November 25, 1975

    • Mueller, Andreas, Alternative Explanations of Social Mobility and Political Behavior

    • Shea, Brent, The High School as a Rteplication of the Social Relations of Production


    • Ergil, Dogu, From Empire to Dependence: The Evolution of Turkish Underdevelopment