Guidelines for the On-Campus Marketing of Credit Cards to Students

No person, corporation, financial institution nor any other business entity that promotes, offers or accepts applications for a credit card (a "Credit Card Vendor") shall solicit current or potential students for credit card applications, nor conduct any other activity in connection therewith, on 91社区 property or at 91社区 University-sponsored student functions.

The above includes postering and tabling in/on any property on the 91社区 campus and the insertion of credit-card promotional materials into shopping bags that are used in the University Bookstore or other retail operations and unmetered mailing stuffed in campus mailboxes.


The on-campus bank may, upon request, give credit card applications to students.

Any bank or other commercial entity that has entered into an affiliation or similar agreement with the campus alumni association is exempted from compliance with any of these guidelines except they still will not be able to hand out flyers in the lobby of the Union or the bookstore and they cannot poster in the University Union.

Campus entities are strongly encouraged to provide credit card and other debt education to all students.