Education Graduate Student Organization (EdGSO)

EdGSO (formerly known as PEGO) is a not-for-profit, student-run entity funded by the Student Activity Fee graduate students pay at the beginning of each semester.

EdGSO is a sub-organization of the , which dictates acceptable use of funds through the GSO Constitution.

All graduate students enrolled in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership are automatically members of the EdGSO and the GSO and are entitled to all activities.

What does EdGSO do?

  1. Coordinates social events to provide opportunities to interact.
  2. Hosts professional development workshops.
  3. Arranges panel discussions on topics of interest.
  4. Provides funding for graduate students to attend professional workshops and conferences or to purchase research materials.

EdGSO sends all of its announcements to members via the department listserv and B-Engaged. If you are not currently receiving postings on the listserv, contact the department office.

If you're interested in participating in EdGSO as an officer or in our events, or would like an officer to contact you, please email Kateri Reagan at

Faculty advisor

Kateri A Reagan