Want to learn more about the graduate programs provided by 91ÉçÇø's Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership (TLEL)?
We invite you to connect with our accomplished alumni! Feel free to contact alumni from the list below, or reach out to us at tlel@binghamton.edu and we can help connect you!
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Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
Name |
Content Area |
Position |
Adam Barr '95, MAT '99 | Biology | Biology teacher, Mohonasen High School/Adjunct faculty, Fulton Montgomery Community College | adam.d.barr4@gmail.com |
Stephen Baumgarten '16, MAT '18, MPA '18 | Social studies | NYCDOE/Maimonides EMS | spbaumgarten@gmail.com |
Emily Blum '18, MAT '19 | Mathematics | Math teacher, Union-Endicott High School | |
Kristen Boock '05, MAT '07, MSEd '12 | Biology, special education | Science teacher, Badin High School | kboock@badinhs.org |
Michael Borelli '18, MAT '19 | Biology | Chemistry/general science teacher, Smithtown Central School District | mvjb96@gmail.com |
Brad Calendrillo '18, MAT '19 | English | High School ELA Teacher, NYC DOE | bcalend1@binghamton.edu |
Maura Chapman MAT '16 | French | Middle school French & English as a New Language (ENL) teacher, Union-Endicott School District |
maurarosechapman@gmail.com |
Alexander Cooper '14, MAT '15 | Social studies | 11th and 12th grade social studies teacher, The Heritage School | acooper16@schools.nyc.gov |
Angel Conner MAT '87 | French | Adjunct Lecturer - SUNY Cortland | angelconner81@gmail.com |
Lauren DeFrancesco '19, MAT '20 | Mathematics | High school math teacher | Ldefran12@gmail.com |
Donna Geetter '08, MAT '09 | English | Johnson City Senior High School | donnageetter@gmail.com |
Stephanie McQuade Geiger '06, MAT '07 | Chemistry | Science teacher, Hendrick Hudson School District | stephanie.mcquade@gmail.com |
Clare Goldin'16, MAT '17 | Biology | Science teacher, Rye High School | claremgilroy@gmail.com |
James Maggiore '78, MAT '83 | English | Retired | Jmaggiore@stny.rr.com |
George Niesz '91, MAT '92 | Social studies | Junior/senior high school principal, Greenwich Central School District | gniesz@greenwichcsd.org |
Cordelia Tanner, MAT | French | World Language, Haldane Elementary &Middle Schools, Haldane CSD | cordelialilith@gmail.com |
Ugwuogo Onwuka, Jr MAT '20 | Math | Math Teacher, Trumansburg Central School District | uonwuka1@binghamton.edu |
Carol Ann Pawlyshyn '17, MA '18, MAT '19 | Biology | Life Science Teacher, Jennie F. Snapp Middle School in Union-Endicott CSD | pawlyshynca@gmail.com |
Christina Philbert, MAT '19 | English | ELA Teacher, 91ÉçÇø High School | christinaphilbert@gmail.com |
John Pizzo '12, MAT '13 | English | Assistant principal, Schenectady City School District | jpizzo1@binghamton.edu |
Lisa Queeno '13, MAT '15 | Biology | Upper school science teacher, Springside Chestnut Hill Academy | lqueeno@sch.org |
Julie Quinn '14, MAT '15 | Social studies | NYC Department of Education | jquinn11@binghamton.edu |
Michelle Reed, MAT '99, PhD '08 | English | Executive director of learning, Cairo-Durham CSD | bj95391@binghamton.edu |
Dan Robertson '19, MAT '20 |
Social Studies | Queens School of Inquiry (NYC DOE) | danielrobertson558@gmail.com |
Adam Shale '04, MAT '07 | Earth science | Lecturer, Bronx Community College | Shale.adam@gmail.com |
Michael Siegel '18, MAT '19 | Mathematics | Union-Endicott CSD | msiegel5@binghamton.edu |
Stephen D Tibensky, MAT '96 | Science | Chemistry teacher, Union-Endicott School District |
Master of Science in Education (MSEd)
Name |
Content area |
Position |
Kristen Boock '05, MAT '07, MSEd '12 | Biology, Special Sducation | Science teacher, Badin High School | kboock@badinhs.org |
Amanda Demetros, MSEd '19 | Literacy | Middle School Cyber Teacher, Commonwealth Charter Academy in Pennsylvania | aademetros2018@gmail.com |
Scott Eckers '02, MSEd '04 | Literacy | Social Studies chair, East Williston U.F.S.D./Associate Principal, Magen David School | scott@eckers.com |
Elana Ginsburg, MSEd '17 | Literacy | Teacher, NYCDOE | Eaginsburg@gmail.com |
Linda Sambursky, MSED ‘07 | Special Education | Former Special Ed Teacher, Broome-Tioga BOCES | lindasambursky@gmail.com |
Shelley Squires, MSEd '80 | Special Education | Retired special education teacher/consultant | Bigbandss@aol.com |
Shelly Van Atta, MSED ’05 | Literacy | 6th grade English Teacher East Middle School, 91ÉçÇø City Schools | vanattas@binghamtonschools.org |
EdD in Educational Theory, Research and Practice
Name |
Position |
Patricia Gazda-Grace, EdD '98 | CCPA Community Liaison, 91ÉçÇø | pgazda@binghamton.edu |
Jose A. Morales Collazo, EdD '19 | Worthington ISD | jose.morales777@gmail.com |
Christine Uliassi, EdD '19 | Assistant Professor, SUNY Cortland, Childhood & Early Childhood Education | culiassi@gmail.com |
Name |
Position |
Maura Chapman, CRITI TESOL '21 | Middle school French & English as a New Language (ENL) teacher, Union-Endicott School District | maurarosechapman@gmail.com |
Stephen Ferry '18, MA TESOL | RPD/TUP Curriculum coordinator; Reading, writing and AP psychology teacher, Shenzhen, China | Sferry1@binghamton.edu |
Karoline Kaon '14, 18' MA TESOL | NYC Department of Education | karolinekaon@gmail.com |
Pedro Vasquez ’19 MA TESOL | ELA/SLA Teacher, Phoenix Middle School, Delavan-Darien School District | alex0808v@gmail.com |