Minor Requirements
The minor requires a total of six WGSS-designated courses:
Spring 2025 Course options below:
- WGSS 200 - Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- One course in Theoretical Inquiries, such as:
WGSS 381A - Latin American Sexualities - (SOC 380J, LACS 380C)
WGSS 381B - Feminist Theories - (PLSC 387F, HDEV 380P, PPL 380G)
WGSS 481A - Feminist & Diasporic Perf. Art - (AAAS 480J, COLI 480P, AFST 480S, LACS 484A, PHIL 480B)
WGSS 481C - Queer Crit Legal Theory & Law - (PPL 487D, HMRT 488X)
WGSS 481E - Trans-National Journeys: Dreams - (AFST 480N, COLI 483B, AAAS 480R, PHIL 480N)
- One course in Social Justice, Social Movements, such as:
WGSS 282A - LGBTQ History - (HDEV 282A, HMRT 288Y)
WGSS 282C - Feminism & Translation - (LING 280H, TRIP 280B)
WGSS 382B - Sexualities In Society - (HDEV 357)
WGSS 382C - Lit. of N. Africa & M. East - (COLI 483E, ARAB 380E, AFST 462)
WGSS 482A - Social Justice - (LACS 480B, HDEV 400, HMRT 483X, SOC 480H)
- One course in either Critical Humanities or Critical Social Sciences, such as:
- for Critical Humanities:
WGSS 283A - Queerness & Gender Film Culture - (ANTH 281G, GERM 281D, COLI 281K, CINE 285C)
WGSS 383B - Transnationalism & Film - (ENG 300A, COLI 331D, AAAS 380D, CINE 380G)
WGSS 383C - Indigenous Feminisms - (ENG 380D)
WGSS 383G - Women in Film: World Cultures - (THEA 389D)
- for Critical Social Sciences:
WGSS 384B - Prisoner Writings & Activism - (LACS 380F, SOC 380K, AFST 380R, ENG 380Q, HMRT 389J, PPL 380F, HDEV 380K)
WGSS 384C - US War on Drugs & Latin America - (AFST 380C, LACS 380N, SOC 380I, HDEV 380I, PPL 380M)
WGSS 384E - Whiteness - (AFST 380H, SOC 380T)
WGSS 384I - Language & Gender - (TRIP 380L, LING 380V, ANTH 380X)
WGSS 484D - Sexuality Studies Seminar - (ANTH 514, ANTH 463)
- for Critical Humanities:
- Two elective courses designated as WGSS (any course not designated as WGSS must be
approved by a WGSS advisor)
WGSS 380C - Sex and Law in the Modern U.S. - (HIST 380D, PPL 380B, HMRT 380F)
WGSS 380D - Race & Gender in Am Lit - (ENG 300I)
WGSS 380F - Sexual Trafficking, Sexual Trsm - (LACS 380D, SOC 342)
WGSS 380G - Women in Ancient Theater - (THEA 389F, AMS 310)
WGSS 480A - Feminist Cultural Stud Biomed - (GPH 480A)
WGSS 480G - Gender and Violence in Africa - (PLSC 485X, PAFF 582, GMAP 518B, SOC 480J, GMAP 481E)
WGSS 480H - Gender and Masculinity - (SOC 480M)
The above courses must also meet the following requirements:
- At least three courses (12 credits) must be at the 300 level or higher, including at least one course at the 400 level
- At least three courses (12 credits) must be cross-listed, each with a different departments
- At least three courses (12 credits) must be taken at 91社区
- Students must receive a minimum of a C grade in order for a course to fulfill requirements for the minor, and no courses taken under the Pass/Fail option may be credited toward the minor
For more information visit the or contact WGSS director, Dara Silberstein.
Dara J. Silberstein
Associate Research Professor of WGSS