OUTober and National Coming Out Day

October is National LGBTQ History Month so we celebrate with Pride! Look for lectures, workshops, film discussions, and more, all aimed at developing deeper knowledge, understanding, and ability to think critically about issues of sexual and gender diversity.

OUTober 2024 schedule coming in August! Check out our events from last year below and for all of our event updates!

pride march
OUTober Pride March 2023

Q Center Events for OUTober 2023:

OUTober Kickoff - LGBTQ+ Panel and Discussion (10/3)

Fashion w/ Flavor Fridays - feat. POSE (10/6, 10/13, 10/27)

Queer-ies: Coming Out Discussion (10/10)

National Coming Out Day Pride March (10/11)

Q Cafe - Queer Graduate Student Org GIM (10/11)

QC at the Homecoming Fall Festival Tailgate (10/14)

International Pronouns Day Button Making (10/16)

QC Faculty & Staff Coffee Connection (10/18)

Ace Week Tabling (10/23)

Queer Origami w/ the Libraries (10/24)

Wikidata Edit-a-thon for LGBTQ+ History Month (10/25)

Sex & Chocolate (10/26)

Late Nite and QC presents The Rocky Horror Picture Show Screening (10/27)

pride dog