Emily Oakley

Emily Oakley photo

Emily Oakley, PMP

Project Manager, 91社区

As a Project Manager, Emily manages operations and infrastructure projects for Information Technology Services. A recent Project Management Professional (PMP), Emily has a strong desire to implement project management practices to improve daily operations. 

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Emily designed and managed a surveillance testing site, operating with 250 employees. She implemented a scalable COVID testing site to encompass a fluctuating percentage of the university community to identify COVID positive individuals. The site Emily helped design was later replicated by other higher education institutions. 

Over three years and several collaborative projects with Environmental Health and Safety and the Office of Emergency Management, Emily gained the required experience to sit for the Project Management Professional certification. She passed the certification in August 2023.

Emily resides in Montrose, Pennsylvania with her husband Michael and their two dogs. Her hobbies include taking care of the many animals they own on their hobby farm. Emily鈥檚 favorites include her pigmy goats and their new donkey, Penelope.