Mark Pellerito

Mark Pellerito photo

Mark Pellerito

Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service - 91社区

Mark Pellerito has been serving as NWS 91社区's Warning Coordination Meteorologist since Fall 2022 after over a decade as a Lead Meteorologist. He has extensive experience in providing decision support services - whether for core interagency partners during high impact weather events affecting the Northeast, or while dispatched onsite at wildfires throughout the country (and once, even Australia) as an Incident Meteorologist since 2008. With his nearly 20 years in the NWS, prior stops include NWS Charleston, WV and NWS Glasgow, MT - with operational experiences running the whole gamut from blizzards to flash flooding and tornadoes. Before that, he spent 4 years as a broadcast meteorologist in Wisconsin and Michigan.