This policy shall provide guidance in the management or administration of a Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program and shall include treatment of children under eight years old or under 25 Kg. (55 lbs).
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a condition that occurs when the electrical impulses of the human heart malfunction causing a disturbance in the heart’s electrical rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF). This erratic and ineffective electrical heart rhythm causes complete cessation of the heart’s normal function of pumping blood resulting in sudden death. The most effective treatment for this condition is the administration of an electrical current to the heart by a defibrillator, delivered within a short time of the onset of VF.
An AED is used to treat victims who experience SCA. It is only to be applied to victims who are unconscious, without pulse, and no signs of circulation or normal breathing. The AED will analyze the heart rhythm and advise the operator if a shockable rhythm is detected. If a shockable rhythm is detected, the AED will charge to the appropriate energy level and advise the operator to deliver a shock.
System Owner:
91ÉçÇø, Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Gabby Bonilla, Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Program Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management
Old Johnson Room 204
PAD Program Coordinator Responsibilities:
Selection of employees for AED training and distribution of AED-trained employee lists
as required
Coordination of training for emergency responders
Coordinating equipment and accessory maintenance
Maintain on file a specifications/technical information sheet for each approved AED
model assigned or donated to the University
Revision of this procedure as required
Monitoring the effectiveness of this system
Communication with medical director on issues related to medical emergency response
program including post-event reviews
Applicable documents:
County/State AED Guidelines
Medical emergency action plan
Infection control procedure for universal precautions
AED Internal Response Procedure
AED Event Summary Form
AED Inspection Checklist
Medical Control:
The medical advisor of the AED program is Richard Moose, MD. The medical advisor of the AED program has ongoing responsibility for:
Providing medical direction for use of AEDs
Writing a prescription for AEDs
Reviewing and approving guidelines for emergency procedures related to use of AEDs
and CPR
Evaluation of post-event review forms and digital files downloaded from the AED
Authorized AED users:
The AED may be used by:
Employees trained in the proper use of AEDs (i.e. University Police, Environmental
Health and Safety, Harpur’s Ferry Student Volunteer Ambulance, Health Services staff,
athletics training staff, Campus Recreation staff, Emergency Response Team, etc.)
Additional staff as identified by the PAD program coordinator.
Any trained volunteer responder who has successfully completed an approved CPR/AED
training program within the last two years and has a current successful course completion
Any member of the community capable of safely following the automated AED's instructions.
AED-Trained Employee Responsibilities:
Activating internal emergency response system and providing prompt basic life support
including AED and first aid according to training and experience
Understanding and complying with requirements of this policy
Following the procedures and guidelines of the AED program
Volunteer Responder Responsibilities:
Anyone can, at their discretion, provide voluntary assistance to victims of medical emergencies. Volunteer responders can assist in emergencies, but must only participate to the extent allowed by their training and experience. Volunteer responders may have training adequate to administer first aid, CPR and use the AED’s deployed throughout the campus. These responders are encouraged to contribute to emergency response only to the extent they are comfortable.
University Police Responsibilities:
The NYS University Police are responsible for:
Receiving emergency medical calls from internal locations
Contacting the external community 9-1-1 response team (EMS) if required
Deploying AED-trained employees to emergency location
Assigning someone to meet responding EMS aid vehicle and direct EMS personnel to site
of medical emergency
Approved equipment:
The Cardiac G5 PowerHeart and AVIVE Automated External Defibrillators have been approved for this program. These AEDs conform to the state/county standards.
The AED and related first-aid emergency equipment will be brought to all potentially cardiac related medical emergencies or at the discretion of the emergency responders.
The AED should be used on any person who is at least 8 years of age and displays ALL the symptoms of cardiac arrest. The AED will be placed only after the following symptoms are confirmed:
Victim is unresponsive
Victim is not breathing, or is breathing ineffectively
Victim has no signs of circulation such as pulse and coughing, or movement
NOTE: If the AED is equipped with Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrode Pads, the AED (with the Infant/Child pads) may be used on children under eight years old or under 25 Kg. (55 lbs). AVIVE AED electrodes are universal, and can be switched to pediatric mode via a button on the device.
Location of AEDs
Under typical circumstances the AED will be at predetermined locations. These locations should allow the device to be easily accessible by staff.
Additional resuscitation equipment:
Each AED includes the following equipment:
One set of adult electrodes
One set of pediatric electrodes
CPR barrier mask
Non-latex disposable gloves
Disposable razor
Paper towel or napkin
Equipment Maintenance:
All equipment and accessories necessary for support of medical emergency response shall be maintained in a state of readiness. Specific maintenance requirements include:
The PAD program coordinator shall be informed of changes in availability of emergency
medical response equipment. If equipment is withdrawn from service, the PAD program
coordinator shall be informed and then notified when equipment is returned to service.
The PAD program coordinator shall be responsible for informing response teams of changes
to availability of emergency medical equipment.
The PAD Program Coordinator or designee shall be responsible for having regular equipment
maintenance performed. All maintenance tasks shall be performed according to equipment
maintenance procedures as outlined in the operating instructions.
Following use of emergency response equipment, all equipment shall be cleaned and/or
decontaminated as required. If contamination includes body fluids, the equipment shall
be disinfected according to 91ÉçÇø bloodborne pathogen cleaning procedures.
Routine Inspections / Maintenance:
The AED program coordinator or designee, will perform a monthly AED check and complete the AED Inspection Checklist. The checklists must be forwarded to the AED program coordinator annually.
The AED program coordinator will perform regular inspections of the units as necessary to ensure compliance with the program.
If maintenance problems are detected, contact the AED program coordinator immediately. If the expiration date on the electrode is near, notify the PAD program coordinator or designee immediately.
Initial Training:
Trained employees:
Employees are encouraged to complete training adequate to provide basic first aid,
CPR and AED that will be provided on site. Additionally, employees will receive training
in universal precautions against bloodborne pathogens.
Training will include infant/child CPR/FBAO techniques
Employees mandated to receive CPR / AED training shall be offered hepatitis B vaccination
free of charge.
Refresher Training:
Trained employees should renew first-aid and AED training every two years.
Volunteer responders should obtain documented renewal training at least once every
two years. Volunteer responders are encouraged to periodically refresh their AED skills.
Medical Response Documentation:
Internal Post-Event Documentation:
It is important to document each use of the defibrillator. The following forms shall be sent to the PAD program coordinator or designee within 24 hours of the use of an AED:
An accident report form (CS-13) shall be completed by a responding employee for each
accident requiring first-aid of any type.
The AED-trained employee or volunteer responder shall complete an Event Summary Form
whenever an AED is connected to a patient.
External Post-Event Documentation:
A copy of Event Summary Form shall be presented within 48 hours of the emergency to the following:
Medical director of the AED program
Local EMS, county, state officials as designated in state AED requirements and local
At a minimum, event information supplied shall include any recorded data, and all
electronic files captured by the AED.
Post-Event Review:
Following each use of an AED, a review shall be conducted to learn from the experience. The PAD Program Coordinator or designee shall conduct and document the post-event review. All key participants in the event shall participate in the review. Included in the review shall be the identification of actions that went well and the collection of opportunities for improvement as well as, if needed, a critical incident stress debriefing. A summary of the post-event review shall be sent to the PAD program coordinator and the PAD medical director.
System Verification and Review:
The medical emergency response system is ultimately successful if necessary medical assistance is provided to victims in a timely and safe manner. Since actual use of this system procedure is expected to be very infrequent, other measures of effectiveness may be required.
7/8/04 – Initial Draft
7/13/05 – Updated locations of AED’s
Added list of equipment to be included with each AED
9/4/08 – Updated PAD Coordinator contact information. Added Cardiac Science
2/7/23 - Updated PAD Coordinator contact information. Added Cardiac Science G5.
5/1/24 - Updated AED PAD Coordinator contact information.
07/22/24 - Updated available AED models - added AVIVE