What is PAD?
Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) is a program that allows for automated external defibrillators to be available to the general public.
A defibrillator is a piece of equipment that gives a malfunctioning heart an electrical shock. An electrical shock can restore the heart鈥檚 normal rhythm if it鈥檚 given within minutes of sudden cardiac arrest.
Why use a defibrillator?
Every minute that passes without defibrillation cuts a victim鈥檚 chances of survival by 7-10 percent. After just 10 minutes, very few victims survive.
Many cardiac arrest survivors have no disabilities. There鈥檚 no lasting damage to the heart, so they can live for many more years.
What causes cardiac arrest?
Cardiac arrest is usually due to some underlying form of heart disease. Most events are caused by abnormal heart rhythms call arrhythmias. The most common arrhythmia that causes cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation. In this condition, the heart鈥檚 electrical impulses suddenly go haywire, often without warning. That causes the heart to stop pumping.
When cardiac arrest occurs, victims lose consciousness, have no pulse and stop breathing normally. They die within minutes unless they get help.
AED Automated External Defibrillator
Who can defibrillate?
Until recently, only emergency medical personnel could defibrillate. They were trained
to interpret arrhythmias and decide when a shock was needed.
Survival depended on the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system being contacted and
arriving quickly.
Unfortunately, quick EMS response isn鈥檛 always possible. Even the very best EMS systems
run into delays. These can be due to heavy traffic, secured complexes and difficulty
locating the victim.
But today technological breakthroughs are bringing new solutions. Now trained laymen
can use automated external defibrillators (AEDs). These new devices are safe, effective,
lightweight, and easy to maintain and use. They are also fairly inexpensive.
Having trained laypeople equipped with AEDs can save precious minutes and lives.
What if my department / organization wants to get an AED?
Any group wishing to take part in the AED program must contact the Office of Emergency Management.
In an emergency, DIAL 911 from any campus phone.
91社区 PAD Program
For questions about the PAD program, please contact one of the following individuals:
PAD Oversight Physician:
Dr. Richard Moose at 607-777-2221
91社区 Health Services Ctr.
PAD Program Coordinator:
Gabby Bonilla at 607-777-3546
Office of Emergency Management