Chemistry Readiness Assessment information
Check your Chemistry readiness EARLY so you know where you stand before choosing your Chemistry courses! General Chemistry is required for all pre-health students and most of the science majors. High School chemistry is a prerequisite for all our General Chemistry courses (CHEM 104, 107 and 111). Our data show that students with inadequate high school chemistry background struggle in the course, and it impacts not only your experience in the chemistry course, but also the other courses you may be taking in your initial semester. Asking yourself "Do I need to take the Chemistry Readiness Assessment?", if so,
The Chemistry Readiness Assessment (CRA) is designed to identify students with a weak high school chemistry background. Students with a poor performance on the assessment will be strongly encouraged to participate in a free three-week Basic Chemistry Workshop over the summer. Another option to make up this deficiency is to take our Basic Chemistry Course (CHEM 100) offered in the summer and fall semesters. Our experience shows that students that address their background shortcomings by taking the Basic Chemistry Course have a much better chance of success in CHEM 104, 107 and 111.
If you are interested in taking General Chemistry I in the fall semester (CHEM 104, or 107, or 111) then you should take the Chemistry Readiness Assessment as soon as possible. The chemistry readiness assessment is used to see if students are ready for the rigor of college level chemistry. Your score is used to measure your current knowledge of basic chemistry principles. Based on your score, you may be recommended a free summer workshop to help you prepare for college level chemistry. Follow this link to the Chemistry Readiness Assessment.
Which General Chemistry Class is right for you?
There are many different options for chemistry curriculum at 91社区. Check out this page to see which chemistry class may be best for you. Factors like your major or prior education level.
The Chemistry Department offers several introductory chemistry courses:
CHEM 100, CHEM 101-102, CHEM 104-105-106, CHEM 107-108 and CHEM 111.
CHEM 100 is a one-semester course designed for students with a weak or no high school science background. It is designed to prepare students for CHEM 107-108 or CHEM 111. CHEM 100 does not fulfill the Harpur all-college requirement in math and science.
CHEM 101-102 is a two-semester course in chemistry fundamentals designed for broad coverage of chemistry. CHEM 101 covers many of the same topics as CHEM 111; CHEM 102 covers organic chemistry, biochemistry and physiological chemistry. The course sequence does not fulfill the prerequisite requirement for CHEM 221, 231, 341, or 351. CHEM 101-102 is required for the nursing degree. CHEM 101 is offered in the fall semester only; CHEM 102 is offered in the spring semester only. Not open to students who have credit for CHEM 104 or 105, CHEM 111, CHEM 107 or CHEM108.
CHEM 104-105-106 is a two-semester course sequence in the fundamentals of chemistry. Upon successful completion of the two-semester sequence, a student has sufficient chemistry background to enter CHEM 221, 231, 341, or 351. This sequence is recommended for pre-health students and science majors (other than Chemistry and Biochemistry majors). A year of high-school chemistry is a prerequisite for CHEM 104. CHEM 104, 105, and 106 are offered every semester. CHEM 104 is co-requisite for CHEM 106. Not open to students who have credit for CHEM 111, CHEM 107 or CHEM 108.
CHEM 107-108 is a two-semester course sequence in the fundamentals of chemistry. This sequence is designed for students with strong interest in Chemistry (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry Majors) however it is open to all science majors and it satisfies the pre-health requirements. Upon successful completion of the two-semester sequence, a student has sufficient chemistry background to enter CHEM 221, 231, 341, or 351. Students interested in pre-health curriculum should take CHEM 104-105-106. A year of high-school chemistry is a prerequisite for CHEM 107. CHEM 107 is offered fall semester only; CHEM 108 is offered spring semester only. CHEM 107 and 108 are not offered during the summer term. Not open to students who have credit for CHEM 104/105 or CHEM 111.
CHEM 111, offered in the fall semester, is a one-semester general chemistry course that is faster paced than CHEM 104-105-106 and CHEM 107-108. However students will be equally well prepared for advanced work in chemistry by either course. CHEM 111 is recommended for the BS degree in physics and geophysics, and in the engineering curriculum. Health professional schools, such as medical schools, often require two semesters of general chemistry. Students considering enrolling in CHEM 111 and who are also considering a pre-health curriculum should contact the pre-health office for advice. Not open to students who have credit for CHEM 104/105 or CHEM 107/108.
Coming to 91社区 with with AP or transfer credit in chemistry? Confused about which track is best? Looking for more information about 91社区's Chemistry program? Follow this link directly to the General Chemistry page!