You can help 91社区 stay safe and code compliant. Avoid creating these violations found on the list of Most Common Violations in New York State (listed by Occupancy type)
A - Assembly Occupancies (includes buildings or portions of buildings as gathering places for - civil, social, religious, recreational activities)
- Blocked exits
- No exit sign or exit lights out
- Doors locked during hours of occupancy
- Fire doors wedged open
- Lack of panic hardware and/or hard to open doors
- Overcrowding, occupant load sign missing
- Aisles not adequate
- Fire extinguishers not serviced or missing
- Candles misused
- Extension cords and other electrical problems
- Decorations not flame retardant
- Non-flame retardant drapes
- Smoking problems
- Heating hazards
- No emergency lighting or not tested
- Lack of Fire alarm testing or record keeping
- Problems in Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants
- Kitchen extinguishing systems not tested
- Kitchen hoods too much grease
- Grease accumulation on filters and in ducts
- Hood system not serviced, non-existent, or improperly installed
- Smoking problems
- Cluttered storerooms
- Electrical hazards
- Heating hazards
- Extension cords
- Tables in exit paths
- Misuse of candles
- Decorations not fire rated/treated
- Curtains not rated
B - Business (includes colleges/universities - administration, classrooms, post office, banks, clinics, labs, workshops, etc)
- Exiting blocked
- Exits poorly lit
- Exit signs not lit
- Corridors and aisles not clear
- Signage missing from elevators
- Extinguishers not serviced or missing
- Storage rooms overloaded; too close to ceilings/sprinklers
- Waste paper handling/recycling
- Smoking hazards
- Combustibles stored near heating equipment
- Improper storage of flammable liquids
- Lack of proper maintenance and testing of fire systems
- Extension cords misused
- Unsafe chemical storage
- Compressed gas cylinders not secured and/or labeled
- Improper storage of oily rags
- Self-closing lids on containers not kept closed (grease, oil, rags, etc)
- Separation of incompatible hazards non-existent/limited
- Welding hazards
- Fire protection systems not maintained/tested
R2 - Multiple Residences
- Blocked exits
- Unserviced or missing fire extinguishers
- Excessive storage in basements and corridors
- Cluttered attic spaces, under stairs, heating rooms and garages
- Lack of or not visible Exit signs
- Accumulation of dust and lint in Laundry rooms
- Combustibles next to water heaters and furnaces
- Lack of fire department access
- Fire protection equipment not working or serviced
- Faulty, untested standpipes
- Penetrations in fire separations
- Incomplete or missing evacuation plans
- Stairway doors blocked open
- Lack of smoke detectors and/or lack of testing
- Proof of fire drill training
E - Educational (under 12th grade)
- Blocked exits
- Blocked sprinkler heads
- Exit lights/signs not lit
- Fire protection not maintained/missing
- Labs not safe (storage, procedures)
- Flammable liquids improperly stored
- Shop hazards (welding, cutting, combustible dust, etc)
- Excess storage of combustibles
- Lack of drills or improper documentation
- Auditorium drapes not flame retardant
- Extension cords in use
- Combustibles near heat producing elements/equipment
- Pool chemicals improperly stored
- Eye wash not maintained/available
- Improper storage of hazardous materials
- Fire systems testing/records inadequate