GA/TA Payroll Instructions

Welcome to the Graduate Assistant / Teaching Assistant Payroll.  Below are some links and important information that you may find useful regarding your pay and benefits.

New York State and Communications Workers of America, Local 1104/Graduate Student Employees Union Professional Development Awards Program Guidelines

Pursuant to Article 30 of the Agreement between New York State and the Graduate Student Employees' Union (GSEU), there is a professional development award available to eligible graduate or For more information, please visit the award website at . The campus administrator for this program is Tyler Namyak of Human Resources at x73624 or

Graduate and Teaching Assistant Time Records

Please send GA/TA Time Records to

Petition for GA/TA Dual Employment

Full-time graduate assistants/teaching assistants (GAs/TAs) are expected to invest approximately 20 hours (0.50 FTE) per work week (for both semester and academic year appointments) on GA/TA employment. It is recommended that the remainder of their time be focused on making progress toward degree completion. Thus, any additional work assignment by any full-time GA/TA is generally prohibited and would require exceptional circumstances and explicit approval from Human Resources and the Graduate School prior to the commencement of any duties. In approving such exceptions, consideration is given to the degree to which such an appointment might benefit career goals, impact degree completion, and affect other students within the program, as well as to the total number of hours per work week.

Petition for GA/TA Dual Employment Form

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