Newing traditions

As you can imagine, things will look a little different as we reconfigure our normal spaces and revise our procedures and activities to create the safest possible environment for our community this fall. Below is a list of our typical traditions. These may change format but we will continue to plan traditions that help our residents connect while maintaining guidelines.

Welcome Weekend

Welcome Weekend kicks off the start of the academic year â€” Newing style. Our community welcomes both returning and new students with activities and giveaways in the halls and on the Co-Rec field. These events cannot be missed, as it is a time to reconnect with old friends, meet new students and staff living in the Newing community and kick the year off with great Newing pride.

Autumn Bowl

This event occurs during Family Weekend and is one of Newing's newest traditions. During Autumn Bowl, the Co-Rec field and surrounding sidewalks are filled with booths where students and their families can play games, make crafts and get free food and giveaways. It is a great time for students, family and friends to socialize and take part in all of the Autumn Bowl festivities. 

Co-Rec Sports

Are you ready for some football or volleyball? Newing's Co-Rec is a two-month long tournament between the four buildings of Newing Community. Come down for some competitive, but friendly, fun. Enjoy yourself, whether you're playing or watching! Opportunities are available for refereeing as well.

Newing Navy

This week-long event is Newing's oldest tradition. It is held each year during a week in the spring semester and marks the passing of winter and the advent of spring. It includes a variety of sports competitions, trivia challenges, tug-of-war, cook-offs and much, much more. Each hall in Newing competes against every other building in the community for the prized plaque and title of Newing Navy Champions.

Not Your Typical Thanksgiving

At this event, students from Newing gather together for a Thanksgiving dinner that includes food from many different cultures. During the meal, several cultural groups showcase their talents through performances on stage. Additionally, canned and boxed food is collected during the event to be donated to a local food pantry. The Not Your Typical Thanksgiving event brings students together to celebrate the richness of the many wonderful cultures found in Newing College!

Winter Carnival

Every spring semester, Newing's Residential Life staff hosts a large-scale event in collaboration with Newing College Council and Area Hall Governments to add some cheer during the doldrums of winter. This Carnival often has a theme (Mardi Gras, for example), prizes, food, games, music and much more!

Alumni/Homecoming Weekend

Every year for homecoming weekend, Newing hosts several events where past Newing
residents and alumni join current residents to play Co-Rec football and volleyball, mingle over lunch and tell stories from their time in Newing. This is always a fun time to meet new people who know what it is like to live here and network to alumni working all over the country and world!