

91ÉçÇø Support Network

Need help finding help? The is designed to help you discover resources on and off campus. Find resources for your concern using the search bar, or check the alphabetical list of concerns. 

Physical health/sickness

Decker Student Health Services Center — see you if you're sick, help with health information and education, vaccines, and health insurance information.

— a student volunteer service that provides emergency medical care and ambulance transport for medical emergencies. They also provide educational programs and CPR training.

— provides a portal for everything related to safety at 91ÉçÇø including initiatives and reporting tools.

New York State University Police — is a fully empowered state law enforcement agency providing a safe environment for the University. This site contains emergency, safety and crime information and reporting tools.

Disabilities services

Services for Students with Disabilities — provides a wide range of assistance to enrolled students with physical, learning or other disabilities.

Mental health

University Counseling Center — provides clinical and referral services to students experiencing mental and psychological stress.

SEEK — SEEK (Support, Empathy, Empowerment, Kindness) is a student-run service for 91ÉçÇø students to talk through any issues they may be facing from stress, break-ups, grief/loss or life changes. They are available every night from 8–11 p.m. during fall and spring semesters. Call 607-777-4357.

— 91ÉçÇø has partnered with the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) to provide HYPE on Campus, a paid research study (up to $250 per student) to better understand how to help undergraduate students with mental health conditions stay in school and do well. Interested? You can determine your eligibility now by completing the following survey. You may also learn more by visiting our website or contacting us at or (508)-450-6819 (text or call). We look forward to supporting you during the 2021–22 academic year!

MSW Intern Support

Residential Life Support Team — 91ÉçÇø Residential Life has two full time social workers on staff in addition to a team of Master of Social Work (MSW) program interns. They are here to help our residents with life on campus, providing assistance with social, behavioral, emotional and academic concerns.

Interpersonal violence

Interpersonal Violence Prevention (IVP) — provides private, student-centered, education, support and resource referrals for students impacted by interpersonal violence.

Title IX — serves as a private resource that assists individuals with different opportunities and reporting options if they experience or are aware of incidents which would fall under Title IX or VAWA. 

Title IX is a federal mandate that prevents sex-based discrimination in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Title IX requires colleges and universities to have policies and a process to address incidents of sex-based discrimination in order to be in compliance. These incidents could include sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and others.

(Violence Against Women Act) is federal legislation designed to improve the criminal justice process and community-based responses to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. All people who experienced these types of incidents are protected under VAWA no matter their sex or gender identity.


20:1/Bystander Intervention Program — The Bystander Program. 20:1 acknowledges the wide range of areas of interpersonal violence that is prevalent on college campuses, and as a result, this program expands beyond sexual assault prevention, offering education on a variety of topics around interpersonal violence prevention.


University Tutoring Services — offers walk-in, online and ESL tutoring.

University Writing Center — provides free tutoring in college writing for all students including essays, arguments, research papers, reports, analyses, editorials, proposals, abstracts, and lab reports, with critical reading, developing presentations, and citing sources.

Discovery Program — provides peer to peer coaching on tutoring, time management, and test taking strategies.

Harpur Academic Advising — go here for help with choosing a major/minor, DARS requirements, grad school prep, international student and study abroad questions, withdrawal info, transfer credits and general questions about academics

School of Management Academic Advising

Watson College of Engineering Academic Advising

Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences Academic Advising

College of Community and Public Affairs

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Financial Aid — provides financial information and help for students and their families including loans, scholarships, student employment, billing, forms and funding.

Student Emergency Funds

Student Loan Program

There are several loan funds available to 91ÉçÇø students. The main purpose of these loans is to assist students during temporary periods of cash shortages. For more information, visit the Student Loan Program web page.