Spring 2025 Newsletter Topics:
The Title IX Office releases a semesterly newsletter to update the campus community about planned activities, important updates, and opportunities for engagement. Below you can find our news and updates for the current semester.
1. Regulatory Updates
On January 9, 2025, a Federal District Court in Kentucky vacated the Biden Administration's 2024 Title IX Rule, following months of litigation in several states around the nation. As a result, the 2024 Title IX Regulations will not be in place at any educational institution receiving federal funding, and the 2020 version of Title IX Regulations will return. 91社区's Title IX Office is working with campus partners to make these changes to our university's processes and procedures.
2. VARCC Updates
The Title IX Office continues to support the efforts of the VARCC located on the third floor of Old Johnson Hall. With representatives from the CARE Team, University Counseling Center, 20:1 Interpersonal Violence Prevention, and the Crime Victims Assistance Center, the VARCC continues to offer a single point of contact for victims of dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and other forms of sex-based harassment and discrimination. During the Spring 2025 semester, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator is available in the VARCC on Friday afternoons or by appointment.
3. Education and Presentations
The Title IX Office has presented to nearly 1,700 members of the campus community in over 30 presentations since the start of the Fall 2024 semester. Groups who attended these sessions included: the Division of Student Affairs professional staff, the Professional Staff Senate, the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) Executive Board & Senate, Athletics staff, Club Sports Leadership, confidential employees across campus, and many more. Please visit our webpage for more information about presentations. Anyone interested in a presentation from the Title IX Office can contact Title IX Coordinator Dr. Andrew Baker (607-777-2486 or abaker@binghamton.edu) or Deputy Title IX Coordinator Katy Perry (607-777-3214 or cperry@binghamton.edu).
4. Professional Development
The Title IX staff have completed training under the 2020 and 2024 TIX regulations from the SUNY Student Conduct Institute. Additional training was also received from the SUNY Office of General Counsel, D. Stafford & Associates, and several other professional organizations and national-level experts in Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act, the Clery Act, and New York State Education Law. This semester, the Title IX Office attended the Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference through the University of Vermont and joined the Title IX and Equity Alliance through the National Association of Clery Compliance Officers and Professionals. Andrew Baker and Katy Perry continue to serve as executive board members for the SUNY Title IX Coordinators Association as the President and Treasurer, respectively.