Source Project Research
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Research Days Presentations:
Students participated in our virtual Research Days Presentations on April 30, 2021. You can browse through the entire collection of student works or you can search by author to view their specific poster or abstract. Students from this year researched a variety of topics ranging from COVID's affect on amateur painting, as demonstrates, to an investigation of the asylum policies and detainee treatments in the Obama and Trump administrations, as demonstrates, to New York's response to sex trafficking, as demonstrates.
EDUC 111/112: The Social Context of Learning:
Professor Amber Simpson and her students spent the year researching the different factors that can affect the learning abilities and capabilities of students across various disciplines in education. Through detailed discussion and rigious investigation, students considered how personal subjectivities, environments, and even pandemics can contribute to student successes, student creations, and beyond! Below are just some examples of the impressive work that Professor Simpson's students created over the course of their Source Proejct experience:
HMRT 176/276: Human Rights:
Professor Moore and her team of students spent the semester investigating human rights across by investigating how various disciplines approach the subject. They tackled difficult questions regarding incareration, women's right, indigenous rights, and more. Students from the class generated such interesting topics for research and exploration that many are featured in the most recent edition of !
Our students presented their research in our virtual Research Days Presentations on April 17, 2020. You can . Search by Zoom meeting to see the Source Project streams, and click on the research titles to see students posters and abstracts, such as Jared Ninyo's project, "," Jocylen Phipps research "" or the group project "."
Artifacts of Human Migration
In Fall 2018, 16 freshmen enrolled in HARP 175: Artifacts of Human Migration, taught by , Department of Art History. This course explored how art objects could serve as windows into global movements, encounters, and interconnections, with a focus on the Indian Ocean arena. The course continued in Spring 2019, with students undertaking their own independent research projects, some stemming directly from the research that they had started in the previous semester.
This course aimed at cultivating the habits of inquisitive and resilient researchers, with an awareness that we live in a world of abundant information. The course structure fostered the qualities of generosity, collaboration, peer support, exchange, and self-reflection as beneficial for a successful research persona. Rather than being passive learners, students took the initiative to forge their own research projects (with guidance) and to discover their own resources (with input from their instructor and peers). They also had the opportunity to study (and sometimes handle) historic art objects in the 91ÉçÇø Art Museum, as pictured above. Most of their projects were completed using digital tools and published on public-facing, web-based platforms.
Students who are interested in learning more about the Source Project are invited to view the for this course.
Human Rights
In Fall 2018, 21 students enrolled in HARP 176: Human Rights Concepts and Methods, taught by Professor Alexandra Moore, Department of English and Co-Director of the Human Rights Institute. The first semester course centered around case studies that ask us to bring different research methods together to address specific violations. Guest researchers such as political scientist David Cingranelli, philosopher Bat-Ami Bar-On, and anthropologist Liz DiGangi showed students how they each approach questions about human rights. Students concluded the semester by designing their own research projects within the Human Rights Institute. In the second semester, students in HMRT 276: Research in Human Rights worked in groups with faculty members in the Human Rights Institute in a wide range of human rights problem solving. Students’ participated directly in ongoing research projects and learned about different ways of disseminating and applying their research to reach diverse audiences by presenting at 91ÉçÇø’s Research Days, at the Technology of Human Rights Representations Conference and through publishing in the .
Students who are interested in learning more about the Source Project are invited to view the syllabus for this course.
Class work group, photograph by Yakup Deniz Kahraman
"VUlnerability of Law in Guantanamo Bay" by Ciara Lavin, '23
"Human Trafficking in Thailand" by Kripa Mathew, '23
"The Impact of Civil Disabilities on Recidivism" by Adrian Erazo, '23